
10 Things That Suck About Being A Woman

Back when school started, I wrote this frilly, optimistic post on how being a woman rocks. I was scrolling through my archives yesterday and figured it was about time for the sequel.

Brace yourselves and enjoy this alarming photo of yours truly acting certifiably crazy... In a public history museum, no less...

Can anyone else tell that this post was written following a rough Monday...? ;)

one || At least three and sometimes up to seven whole days out of EVERY month, our insides hate us. This typically results in rage, being declared "certifiably crazy," and usually leads to the next reason...

two || Boys are always calling us a "spaz." What even is that? I'M NOT A "SPAZ" OKAY?

three || Remember all the chocolate I talked about eating in this post? Yeah. It goes straight to your gluteus maximus, so ya might wanna rethink that.

four |We get poked in the eye by God awful mascara wands more times than we can count and it still hurts the same every.single.time.

five || People always laugh at and mock our mean voices. Like, NO. I am a woman. HEAR ME ROAR.

six || We're pretty much always a hot minute away from mental breakdowns and ruining our makeup for the day. One wrong move... One wrong word...

seven || We tend to overthink things. And by "things" I mean anything and absolutely everything,

eight || People always stop playing with our hairrrrrrrrrrrr. Again, NO. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO IT FOREVERRRRR.

nine || Oh, you say you like cats? Even one time? You're a cat lady. No if's, and's, or's, or but's about it. Meow.

ten || Think about your morning routine. Personally, I spend about an hour getting ready everyday. Son of a nutcracker... THAT'S A LOT OF FREAKING TIME. FML.

I'm giving you a chance to complain, ladies. Let's hear it! What totally sucks about being a woman?



Every one of these--- dead on!


Yes! Every. Single. One. of these.


How about these:

We can't go on vacation, a business trip or a weekend away without packing all the things. Because really how can we go anywhere with out our entire closet?!

Our personal upkeep costs triple what it costs for a man: hair cuts, waxing, manicures. UNFAIR.

If you're independent, outspoken and opinionated you're "intimidating".

"Son of a nutcracker" for the win. You're amazing.


Gynecologists. Crazy-hormone days. Not being able to eat all the things. Having to buy bras online because stores don't carry my size. Not being able to act like a man when I get sick (because things still need to get done). Cramps.


Bad hair days... do guys even HAVE a bad hair day?


Lol just number 6. Yes, yes, yes. Too true!!


People making fun of my girly screams. I can't help it!!



ahaha love it!! soooo true :)!


Haha every single part of this list is true.

I would like to add high heels, those cute little torture devices we like to wear around.


Probably the most accurate list ever. Being a girl can be pretty awesome and I wouldn't trade it, but there are some definitely drawbacks. The feeling like your body is going to implode for 1/4 of every month is something men will never understand!

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries


Preach, sista!! This is so true!


You're so right about all of these!!!!


Seriously feels ya on all of these...except for the stuff going to my boot-ay...oh how I wish they would since I am nothing but as flat as a piece of cardboard. so theres that. But amen to this!


So true. I esp. love the cat woman one. I shy away from declaring my like for cats, for fear of the label it might bring on me.


#5 totally. I hate the, "You're so cute when you're angry" or yeah, the laughs. I'm not trying to be cute or funny, this is a serious situation so shut up and listen to me!


Hahaha oh you make me laugh!!! Absolutely amazing!!!!


hahaha! So sad but true!!


I can totally relate to #1 right now .... I wish I could be a boy for just a few days a month!

Not really but it sounds good! ;)


My female roomie always calls me a spaz, I don't understand her.

My boyfriend says my angry face is cute. I kinda like it but I kinda hate it.


Oh man do I hear you! Or, woman I should say :)


Ahh, all of these are so true! I definitely relate with the over-thinking things. I do it all. the. time. Some of these things just need to stop!


All of these, but SEVEN, seven is SO true!

Sparkles and Shoes


Yes, just yes. That and supposedly you can't drive as well because your not a man. I hate that!


Hate to put a damper on the rant...but the fact that we CAN RANT about being a woman is pretty friggin' awesome.

Guys NEVER get to complain about being a guy because we would call them all sorts of horrible names.

Having free reign to bitch is fantastic.



hahaha #5 is my favorite. spot on!


Yes to all of these. Woman hood is a necessary evil I guess.
New follower - Whit from Raspy Wit


And you're right about every single one! Haha hit the nail on the head!