I remember writing this birthday post and excitedly anticipating all that my 18th year would hold. It's always so funny looking back because if I had been able to catch even a glimpse of some of the trials God was going to walk me through this past year (i.e. learning how to give myself an injection, a sporty ex-boyfriend, and a kidney infection just to name a few) I think I would've crawled back under my covers that day and refused to age... ;)
BUT, since hiding from life never helped anyone live it...here I am today. Turning 19 and in complete awe of God and His faithfulness.
This year was a year of dreams for me. Dreams of being accepted to my dream school, dreams of enjoying senior year with my best friends, dreams of attending my senior prom, dreams of graduating with honors, dreams of traveling, and dreams of embarking on the new and wonderful journey that is college.
It was a year of dreams, my friends, and I never could've imagined the joy that was in store for me amidst some of the most trying times of my life.
Last October, I was accepted to my dream school - Bethel University. I got to do senior year with my best friend in the entire world + I got to invest time in so many other precious friendships. My friend group changed and for once I was more than okay with it. I got asked to prom by one of my wisest + funniest guy friends...and my little sister got to do prom with me! I got asked to represent our senior class as a speaker at our graduation ceremony. I graduated with honors. I was selected as a scholarship recipient to the Juvenile Arthritis Conference in Keystone, Colorado where I got to meet one of my longtime, online BFF's in real life. Jesus sent me to Africa for 14 days where I fell in love with the culture and people of Swaziland. And finally, just over 3 weeks ago, I moved into my dorm at my dream school - Bethel University...where the next chapter of my story is just starting to be written. :)
Life is such a wild ride. I don't know where I'll be a year from now - heck, I don't know where I'll be a month from now. I don't know what trials I'll be walking through or what friendships I'll be pouring time into. It's unknown as to what I'll be looking forward to or saving money for. The wonderer spirit inside of me is curious to know what my favorite cereal will be or how I'll spend my Saturday's. ;)
At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is simply that we don't know. We have no idea and that's what makes us capable. Of learning. Of living. Of laughing. Of dreaming. Of fighting. Of having faith. Of becoming. Of hurting. Of healing...and of doing all those things over and over again. We are capable because we are oblivious, as silly as that sounds, and I believe that's what's so beautiful about this wild and precious life. Here's to 19!

I'm in awe of what all God has done in your life this past year and what a wild ride following Him has taken you on. It's amazing! I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday my sweet friend!!! Here's to 19 and the many many years to come!!!!
Girl you are going to ROCK 19!!! I can't wait to watch you grow! Love you and I hope you have the best birthday EVER!
Cheers to having the best year yet!
Love you sweet girl! I am so excited to see what God has in store for you this year. <3
Cheers to an amazing year ♥ I hope this coming year brings you twice as much joy and happiness. Happy belated birthday!