
The Reason Behind The Smile

My friend Sarah commented on the post I wrote yesterday and said: "You are always kind. And smiling. I can just tell you wake up with a smile on your face and go to bed with a smile on your face. That is exactly who I want to be associated with!"

The first thing I did was bust into a smile. Go figure. The second thing I did was smile even bigger. Go figure. Even when I went to bed last night, I was still smiling about that meaningful little comment that turned my whole day around.

Eventually, the infamous late-night thoughts flipped on and I started to ask myself WHY I smile so much and why that comment holds so much truth when it comes to describing me... I feel like the answer should be more complex, but it's really not.

I smile because I'm happy.

I'm happy because I choose to be.

Many of you know of the struggles I've faced with my health and the battle that I fight everyday. While it has taken an emotional toll on me the past 4 years, it has also revealed to me some of life's greatest blessings.

No matter what decisions I've made about doctor's, medications, or treatments throughout my journey - the decision I made to be happy truly holds the most significance in my book.

My goal is to always share what's on my heart, and today, all I have to share is that.

Happiness doesn't come from having the best circumstances. It doesn't come from popularity. It doesn't come from the approval of others. It doesn't come from possessions. It doesn't come from perfection.

It comes from gratefulness. It comes from being 100% confident in the person that you are. It comes from pursuing your passions. It comes from accepting grace. It comes from making the decision to smile even when it's not easy.

Smiling may not fix all the struggles I face and it may not promise that things will automatically get better, but it sure does give me bright hope for tomorrow and makes "those" days a bit more bearable. 



Keep on showing that beautiful smile! So happy you chose to be happy! I'm trying my best daily to do the same thing!


You know just reading that post made me smile as well. :) Keep on smiling my lady!

Words as Palindromes


Kenzinator!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make me smile each and EVERY single flippin' day!!!! I adore your heart, the calling God has placed on your life, and your ability to praise him in all circustmances. You truly are such a light in this big ole' world!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXO :) Love you!


Love this! Keep on smiling and keep on being happy!


Okay! We need to quote some Elf up in here. "I just like to smile. Smiling's my favorite!"

Thanks for sharing heartfelt posts with us. You're so encouraging! If Kenzie can smile, so can I. :)


Our pastor taught on this exact concept one time. It was one of my favorite messages ever.


you are a breath of fresh air!


You simply bring joy into this world! Susan


LOVE this. It's so true. Happiness is what you make of it. Your life will be a full and joyous as you allow it to be. I think people expect happiness to just come to them. But it's actually a decision we make - to look for it! Thanks so much for this reminder!


I feel like I'm just a big ol' smile right now. You're absolutely gorgeous, and that smile just makes you even prettier. Keep smiling and spreading that happiness! That's an awesome trait to have!


So great! I definitely agree that happiness is a choice, even though some days it's harder I definitely try to choose to be happy:)



You are the best! The end!


Just found your bloggy. Love it! I too have been struggling with multiple health issues for the last 3 years. It does take a toll on me, I'm not going to lie. I do get upset sometimes but then I look at my wonderful husband, friends, house and little doggy and can't help but be happy because I too am blessed.
Following along!


"i sing because i'm happy, i sing because i'm free! His eye is on the sparrow, and i know He watches me"

love you and your smile! keep smiling and encouraging!

thelittlebluebungalow said...

I only dream of being happy just like you. I am still bitter over certain things. But very glad that you are happy. And I always look forward to seeing you smile over everything!

- Manda


your blog is so sweet!!! I couldn't help but look around:)
new follower here