
"Have faith, child. I'm taking you to Bethel."

In February, I wrote about what God was teaching me about patience. In May, I wrote about what He was teaching me about understanding. He taught me these things while I was in the midst of applying/hoping to get accepted into the PSEO program at Bethel University. In between then and now...amazing, heartbreaking, and bittersweet things have happened. They've changed and grown me in ways I'll never be able to explain. 

Long story short, I didn't get accepted to the program. I will never, ever forget the way my heart sunk when I read that letter. I felt defeated and exhausted. Something I had worked and prayed incredibly hard for was out of my control. The results were in and they weren't what my heart wanted so badly.

I kept having faith, though...and that's the moral of this story. God had spoken to me at a worship service months prior to me applying for the program and He said, "Have faith, child. I'm taking you to Bethel." That being said, I believed with all my heart God would do what He said He would. I just didn't know when.

Senior year rolled around and now we're here...three months in. I started touring schools and applying to places I feel like God could use me. I prayed over my choices and decided to apply to St. Kate's (in St. Paul), University of Oklahoma (in Norman), Evangel University (in Springfield, Missouri), and finally...Bethel University...again.

Submitting my Bethel application a second time was a direct opportunity for the devil to reveal fear and insecurity to me in ways I still cannot comprehend. There were nights I actually regretted submitting it at all. My faith was at an all time low and I responded to that fear by ignoring it. I didn't dig into scripture. I didn't blare my worship music. I didn't pray about it anymore. I almost entirely forgot that my Father had SAID: "Have faith, child. I'm taking you to Bethel." He had declared victory so, so long ago...

While at work last night, I received a text from my mom.

She offered to bring it to me or wait until I got off to open it. I went back and forth with her about fourteen billion times before deciding to wait. I didn't want the news to affect me at work. Hysterically enough, though, a split second after I decided that...my phone rang. It was an unknown number, but I answered. {I NEVER DO THAT!} The sweet girl on the other end of the line said, "Hi Kenzie! I'm your admissions counselor here at Bethel and I was just calling to say you've been accepted! CONGRATULATIONS!" Her excitement was literally contagious and all I could do was sit down on the floor and cry. She was incredibly gracious with my hysterics and told me my acceptance package would be coming soon.

I shared the news with one of my coworkers who has known me since I started there. Hannah was even more excited for me than I was for myself...incredible, huh? I texted a few of my closest friends... It was no surprise that Amy, Jaycee, Amelia, Nicole, and Chrissy were equally - if not, more - as excited for me than I was for myself. There are no words to describe that feeling.

The package was there waiting for me when I got home and I tore into it with pure joy. It's no surprise that He completely blew me out of the water AGAIN when there was a $5,000 YEARLY scholarship inside as well!

I will not ever underestimate God's power to orchestrate His plan(s) for my life. I have ALMOST given up on so, so many things because of my circumstances, but He has always provided me with and granted me what is GOOD when I put in the faith and hard work! 

Just like Matthew 6:26 says... "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

It's almost as if He's saying... "Have faith, child. I'll take care of YOU."

You guys... I'M GOING TO BETHEL!



You are so adorable! You deserve this!! I'm so proud of you! I hope you are celebrating like crazy!!!!!


Oh, wow, how exciting!! God definitely knew what He was doing! You have some exciting years ahead of you!


Congrats!! That is amazing!!


that IS what he's saying! congratulations :)
victoria @ Lost in Boston


Congrats, girl! And how exciting to get a great scholarship with it! I know you'll do great things with this opportunity. :)


So so so amazing! Sending you the biggest hugs and congratulations from Nebraska!!! PROUD OF YOU GIRL!!!


YAY Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! Clearly, the time just wasn't right when you weren't accepted earlier and now it's ready to fall into place! Best of luck to you!!!

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries


Yay yay yay yay!

Congratulations, Kenzie! Now relax and rest assured!


Congrats, Kenz!!! I am so so happy for you!!


Congratulations again pretty lady!!! You deserve this!


CONGRATS!!! You more than deserve this.


I'm so proud of you! You are a true testament to having faith! Congratulations sweet friend! You totally deserve this!


Again, SO happy for you!!!




Congratulations again!! Getting into your dream school is one of the best feelings ever. God has great plans for you lady


I did a happy dance when I saw the news on Facebook last night, can't wait to see where God's gonna take you and your dreams!


Congratulations, girl! That is seriously amazing, and I just know you'll do great things there! Such a glorious time for you. :)


this is amazing!!!! congratulations!!


Thrilled for you! I remember that feeling (about a zillion years ago). One of the girls from my church goes there...you guys will have to meet up!


That's so exciting!! Congratulations girl! I'm so proud of you in your patience for God's timing too. Something hard for us all :) You're going to move mountains!


So so so SO happy for you!! :)


Awww! Kenzie, my heart is singing for you! Congratulations! That is so very exciting!


So excited for you!


i cant wait i cant wait i cant wait!!!! bethel is about 15 minutes from meeee!!! ok. im being selfish.
but really. it is your dream school for a reason. you are going to learn so much, feel so much joy and go so so far.
dream big little one. this was made for you!! congrats!!!


so so so so so happy for you sweet girl!

No one deserves it more!


Ah, your pretty smile is so contagious!! Congratulations!!!


Congratulations!!! How amazing and so exciting...such a wonderful time in life. I'm so happy for you! :)


Ohhhhhh I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU! God is good and you, my friend, are an inspiration!!! xoxo


As your new neighbor I welcome you to my city! Cannot wait!!


Congratulations!:) That is so exciting. So awesome to see how God brought you to your dream!


You are a super star, congrats on this all lady! You are very deserving girlfran!


Congrats Kenz! I will be praying for you on this new adventure! The font on the acceptance letter matches your blog. How perfect! ;)


You are a rockstar! Congrats!! :)

xo, gina


Oh how this fills my heart with such warmth and joy for you to get to experience Him in such small and big ways all at one time! I remember the disappointment I felt getting two rejection letters from my two "DREAM" schools…. But then I went to my one safety and met my dream dude who made up for every one of those sad, frustrated feelings in the wake of rejection. No one tells you how hurt you are going to feel after throwing yourself into the application process and hearing no.

I can't wait to watch your journey at Bethel. It's sure to be beautiful and honoring to Him. And I'm lucky enough to get to stand by and cheer.


You're amazing! How absolutely awesome is it that God brought you the dream you wanted?! His love is awesome. Congrats Girl! Keep your thoughts focused on Him and you will be given the keys to the Kingdom! I just found you, so I'll be following your blog from now on, and I'm blessed to get to watch your journey from afar.


Congrats again, girl! So excited for you!