Showing posts with label what kenz wore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what kenz wore. Show all posts


Dress Well, Semester Well

WHAT I'M WEARING :: Cardigan // Gap :: Dress // Gap :: Leggings // JcPenny :Watch // Kohl's :: Boot Socks //  Three Bird Nest :: Boots // Maurice's [fall 2014]

Monday marked the beginning of a new semester! I love a fresh start, a new set of notebooks, and filling out my planner especially during the first week of class. Call me a nerd...I'm fine with it. ;) The best part, though, is picking out a "first day of school" outfit! 

The week is off to a busy start. I've had an appointment of some sort every day so far and that will continue until into next week. Today, I am going in for an x-ray that will reveal the results of my colonic transit study and hopefully allow us to move forward with some sort of treatment plan. I have several surgical/procedural consultations next week to really decide on the next step in addressing my colon's major sass problem, so thoughts and prayers for discernment are appreciated!

As answers continue to be just out of reach, I'm trying to lay low and figure out what "normal" is/what I want it to be. By that I mean I'm just trying to enjoy classes, work, and find time for friendships. My roommate Maddie snapped a few pictures of my "first day of school" outfit the other afternoon after I shared that I've been trying to establish writing/blogging as part of my daily routine again. So far, so good! I really miss documenting the little things and participating in fun link ups. I also (naturally) need an outlet to share my killer shopping deals from time to time. ;) This Gap cardigan? $10 on black Friday. The dress? $4. #justsayin

My motto in high school was always "dress well, test well!" I've now adopted "dress well, semester well!" because, well, I will do absolutely anything to get even remotely excited about getting my sleepy booty out of bed in the morning. A cute outfit does wonders for an exhausted attitude!

One day at a time, right? Right. :) What are you wearing this week?


Things I'm Obsessed With (Including This Skirt)

WHAT I'M WEARING :: Necklace // Molly Suzanne :: Top // Old Navy :: Skirt // Copper Peacock Boutique :: Watch // Kohl's :: Flats // Target

I've been eyeing up this midi-skirt business for months. What I mean by that is I've been compulsively  that incorporate them and trying them on every time I run across one in the department store(s) I frequent. To cut to the chase, I never could quite get myself to pull the trigger for $35-$50. I'm working on paying student loans this summer and to be real, I'm the type of girl who would rather spend the remainder of her nanny paychecks on books anyway. Needless to say, when my friend Ashley clearanced these skirts in her shop, I was the first in line to snatch one up. $10 -- yes, please!

I wore it last week and absolutely fell in love. The material is stretchy, comfortable, and breathable. It's the perfect skirt for summer, but will still be very versatile come fall! I'm going to try pairing it with a few fitted tops I have next. I'm not the biggest fan of the frumpiness this olive one seemed to add, (didn't even notice that til I looked at these photos...maybe I'm being too critical of myself) but overall this was a comfortable outfit and I'd wear it again!

Aside from compulsively pinning outfits on Pinterest, I'm also obsessed with reading right now. There is so little time left until school starts and homework makes zero time for "reading for fun!" I'm currently engrossed in Jaycee Dugard's memoir titled "A Stolen Life" which focuses on the horrifying story of her kidnapping and time in captivity. The resilience that shines through in her writing is incredible. I'm also re-reading the sequel to "If I Stay" because I made the mistake of watching the movie yesterday and now I need closure all over again. Man, I get attached to fictional characters way too easily. I just finished the new Harper Lee Novel "Go Set A Watchman" last weekend and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. :)

I'm also currently obsessed with oatmeal, applesauce, how light my hair looks in these photos, and meeting my Fitbit step goal. At least two of those things don't involve I right? Thanks a lot, Prednisone. As always, I'm also obsessed with browsing Amazon for sweet deals. My most recent purchases include  and . Lucky for you, my friend Kate organized this great giveaway last week and there's still some time to enter! I thought I'd share it here today so you don't miss out -- especially if you have an Amazon obsession like I do!

Anyhow, even though it's been a hot minute since I've linked up an outfit post, I'm excited to click around today and play under-qualified fashion blogger. ;)

What are you obsessed with right now?


Stitch Fix Review Numero Tres

Back when I was a good little blogger, I used to post Stitch Fix reviews and #WhatKenzWore posts much more frequently. I got an e-mail last week from a reader who said she really missed that and I then realized I miss it, too! So I scheduled a fix and vowed to get my review up within a week. :) Even though I'm a broke college student now, I remembered that I had some credits on my account...what girl doesn't love getting new clothes for spring?! Hello, perfect timing!

I didn't understand how the whole thing worked at first, but once I started getting fixes regularly I felt like a pro! Basically, you sign up, fill out your style profile, and schedule your first fix for a flat rate of $20. Your stylist picks out things she thinks you'd totally ROCK and it arrives at your doorstep on the date of your choosing. From there, you try everything on and decide what you'd like to keep. You login to your account, choose the things you wish to purchase, and send the rest of the items back in the prepaid shipping envelope they send along. The best part? The $20 flat rate you originally paid can be put towards whatever item(s) you decide to purchase!

1.) Virginia V-Neck Top: I love polka dots and I'm pretty sure all that stylists I've had at Stitch Fix know this. ;) I was super drawn to this top and excited to try it on, but I didn't end up liking the fit at all. It was strangely ruffled in the front and didn't lay on my shoulders comfortably. I wish it had fit me better because I loved the outfits they put together on my little inspiration card! Verdict: SENT BACK!

2.) Tucker Split Back Top: Pictures of this top simply do not do it justice. The color combination is perfection for my spring/summer wardrobe. It has a higher neckline which I LOVE because then it's the perfect piece to pair with a statement necklace! The fit is flowy without being too much and it's sleeveless! I love pairing my sleeveless tops with cardigans in the spring/fall -- I know I will get my use out of this one and it was in my price range. :) Verdict: KEEPING FOR SURE!

3.) Assymetrical Zip Cardigan: Ah, I almost loved this sweater more than life itself. I have been dying to get one of these asymmetrical zip cardigans for a long time and I was so happy when it showed up in my fix! So comfy. So cozy. So versatile. The only issue was the price tag. Though I know I would get my use out of it, $68 isn't in my budget for clothing purchases at the moment and I found the same one on Modcloth for $54. ;) If anyone knows where I can get one even cheaper, let a girl know! This is a piece I definitely want to add to my closet. Until we meet again, pretty little cardi... Verdict: SENT BACK!

4.) Justice Detail Blouse: There are no pictures of me wearing this delicate little beauty because it did not make it on my body. The sleeves were TINY and I could not even get it over my shoulders. YIKES. Major strike out with this one, but I wish it had been my size. I am not an XS, that's for sure! ;) Verdict: SENT BACK!

The fifth item in my fix was a bracelet that I forgot to snap a photo of. It was pretty, but I'm not one to pay $30 for any piece of jewelry! I'd much rather shop the Target clearance or hit up Forever 21 if you know what I mean! 

Have you gotten a fix lately? 

If you decide to sign up, click right here! Help a girl out and get her a credit for referrals! Pretty please with a cherry on top... :)


Yellow Scarves & Adorable Bags

WHAT I'M WEARING :: Top // Old Navy :: Chambray // Target :: Scarf // c/o The Breezy Room :: Jeggings // Old Navy :: Bracelets // Target :: Bag // Timbali Crafts :: Boots// Maurices

My fashion must have for absolutely every season has always been and always will be pretty scarves. Recently, my friend Kala opened up a boutique called The Breezy Room where she sells the softest, prettiest, and most unique scarves...scarves that I obviously MUST add to my growing collection of 40+. (I's a problem!)

When I laid eyes on this yellow beauty, I knew I had to have it. Yellow is my favorite color and it's super versatile for brightening up drab outfits. Plus, it's perfect for so many seasons! It's soft and warm, but it's still relatively lightweight. I wear it at least twice a week and I'm not even sorry 'bout it. The next two I'm eyeing up for my collection? A little burgundy chevron and two tone gray action. Getcha some!

Can we also discuss this adorable bag? When I was in Swaziland this summer, I had the opportunity to meet the beautiful woman behind Timbali Crafts. I especially adore their headbands and bags...but what I adore even more than that is the story behind the company - I know you'll love it too, so here's a little blurb about their mission:
The women who create Timbali Crafts are all volunteer cooks at community based feeding centers, called carepoints, throughout Swaziland, Africa. In this tiny nation with the highest HIV/AIDS rate and lowest life expectancy in the world, the needs are immense. In spite of their own hardships, the Timbali women help to feed more than 2500 children each day. They are incredible! 
Timbali started in 2006 to reach out to the physical and spiritual needs of these hard-working women. At the request of a local pastor, we started a Bible study with some of the women to encourage them in their volunteer work. It quickly became evident that something more needed to be done so that these ladies, who were serving their communities in such a vital way, could also provide for their own families. 
So we started praying...and we made some really ugly greeting cards (blessings to any of you that bought those!). We didn’t have any start-up money, but a friend heard what we were trying to do and gave us $150 to buy our first little batch of fabric. Eventually we started making handbags (which also had some issues at first!) that have evolved into the beautiful products we produce today. What we first thought would just provide a little income here and there for a few women, has become a major source of income and outreach to 100+ Swazi families!
I figured it would be the best time to brag on these two friends of mine as we just celebrated small business Saturday this past weekend and are rapidly approaching the holiday season. And to top it all off? Kala wants to giveaway one of her scarves + offer a discount code to you guys! KENZ15 will get you 15% off your purchase!

Good luck, ya filthy animals! :)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On,  Tucker Up, & Fashionably Employed!


Fall Boots & Nerdy Sweaters

WHAT I'M WEARING :: Sweater // consignment :: Vest// consignment ::  Jeans // consignment :: Bracelet // Molly Suzanne Boots// c/o Pink Basis

Fall is definitely my favorite season, so it's no surprise that I've already started shopping for the perfect fall look. Last week, my sister and I hit up a local consignment store and got all sorts of great pieces for $80. This nerdy sweater and these polka dotted jeans were my favorite finds and I couldn't wait to get home and put an outfit together!

Boots are clearly the most important staple to any fall outfit these days. After finding this perfect Pink Basis pair and adding a thrifted vest from last season, my look was complete! I officially cannot wait for the leaves to start changing colors! I'm even more excited to wear this nerdy little sweater with my new nerdy little glasses that will hopefully arrive sometime this week. :)

My favorite thing about finding Pink Basis is that their shoes and on trend and affordable. I've already got a growing wish list of the next pair I want to add to my growing shoe collection! Us Minnesotan's can never, ever have too many pairs of boots... And how cute are these strappy glitter flats?!

What are your "must have's" for fall fashion?!


Hope For What's Next

As many of my faithful friends + readers know, I have returned from my more than blessed time and trip to Swaziland, Africa. Physically, my feet are 100% back home here in Minnesota... But, friends, I left my heart thousands of miles away back in that carepoint with the sweet children I got to know, love, and care for.

WHAT I'M WEARING ::  HEADBAND // Brady Bands :: SUNGLASSES // Vanity :: T-SHIRT // c/o Our Anthem is Hope ::  BRACELET / Swazi market  ::: SKIRT // Vanity ::  SANDALS // Old Navy

My time in Swaziland completely changed my heart, perspective, and ultimately my life. I know that's a broad statement. And as much as this type A personality, detail-oriented girl HATES broad... But I'm trying my best to embrace it.

Because I don't need to know every detail. I don't need to comprehend every feeling. I don't need to understand just why God has called me to a place so far away... I just need to say yes to His call.

When I was in Swaziland, I didn't spend an hour picking out my outfit for the day. I didn't worry about the petty things in my life. I didn't waste time and energy worrying about things I cannot control. I simply woke up each morning and said, "Yes, God. I'm up for whatever you have for me today."

My adjustment to being back here in the states has been an incredibly slow process thus far. I'm writing, I'm praying, and I'm trying to process everything before sharing because I want to get it right... And I don't want to miss a single step in doing so.

I move to college in 21 days and am already rapidly researching ways to get back to Africa as soon as possible. During my time in Swaziland, one of the missionaries I had the opportunity to chat with told me about an incredible organization called the Abide Family Center in Uganda and their internship program. Needless to say, much of my 20 hour flight home was spent praying about my future plans to pursue social work and missional ministries, my desire to move someplace in Africa, and my emotions about the place I have so desperately fallen in love with.

Amidst it all, I am so thankful for sweet friends like Natalie who give me hope in the future that is to come and hope in the only God who can change this world. Her business, Our Anthem is Hope, is creating hope all around the world and I am so thankful that she helped give me the opportunity to bring that hope to Swaziland. I can't wait to see where God takes it next. :)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up!


Ringing in Summer with Floral + Bright Colors

WHAT I'M WEARING :: KIMONO //c/o Oakleigh Rose ::  T-SHIRT // Kohl's ::  EARRINGS // Molly Suzanne :: SKIRT // Groopdealz :: SHOES // Apricot Lane

I'd typically describe my style as classy, simple, and chic. I like bright colors, but neutrals are within the realms of my comfort zone. This summer, I've made it my goal to step out of that comfort zone. Now that what is officially my summer is HERE, I've been dying to add more flowy, bright colored pieces to my neutral wardrobe. In enters this kimono from Oakleigh Rose!

The best part about this little number is that it is so incredibly versatile. I've worn it as a swimsuit cover up, I've dressed it up, and I've dressed it down. The lightweight fabric couldn't be more perfect for a Minnesota summer, but earlier this spring, I was able to wear it with layered t-shirts underneath to keep me warmer (as pictured) and still look totally spring-ish! To top it off, it matches my favorite NYC lipstick to a T! 

I absolutely adore this piece and know I'll be rocking it all summer long - on the boat, at the campground, and every place in between. I've already picked out the next three items on my wishlist from their website!

What pieces are on your summer wishlist?


My Dorothy Shoes

WHAT I'M WEARING :: VEST //  Kohl's ::  TOP // Local Boutique :: SCARF // Vanity :: JEANS // Kohl's :: SHOES // c/o Kandals

There aren't many things that beat a comfy pair of shoes... Can I get an amen? And a girl can never go wrong with a pair of bright red ones. I feel like all my shoes are either brown boots or neutral colored flats, so when I found these beauties, I knew I needed to be adventurous and add them to my wardrobe.

My favorite look of all {so far} is mixing them with a little plaid/flannel + skinnies. You can't go wrong with that classic red combo for fall! I call them my Dorothy shoes and I plan to wear the heck out of them before snow gets too deep here in Minnesnowta... :)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty OnTucker Up, & Vodka Infused Lemonade!


Layers & Blessed Friendships

WHAT I'M WEARING :: VEST //  Kiki La'rue ::  DRESS // Kiki La'rue :: NECKLACE :: Molly Suzanne // BRACELETS :: Target // LEGGINGS :: Forever 21 // BOOTS :: JCPenny

Last Saturday, after a LONG week with my lovely new mono diagnosis, I was zonked out on the couch. When I woke up, my mom brought me a package. I was crazy confused because I hadn't ordered anything and the return address was Kiki La'rue - my favorite online boutique. When I tore into it, I saw that it was a vest and maxi dress I'd been loving for weeks, but hadn't purchased quite yet. The note on the invoice was from my amazing, encouraging, and beautiful friend Erica who loves Kiki La'rue just as much as I do! Um, WHAT?!

These friendships are the kind I am unworthy of. They are the ones that makes me feel worth something. Thought of. LOVED. Encouraged. Happy. While I am completely unworthy, as I am of every other blessing I've been given, I realize that the Lord's grace allows these blessings into my life... And for that, I am just plain grateful. It's only appropriate that I'm reminded of how blessed I am with certain friendships with Thanksgiving right around the corner!

The fit of this dress, which is a "boyfriend" style maxi, is seriously perfection. Super comfy + loose fitting which I love. It's a little long on me, but I'd choose a long dress over a short one ANY day. ;) The vest runs true to size and is an spectacular layering piece for fall + winter. I can't wait to add a scarf to it as it gets colder! I also added leggings and boots... Because while I look like I'm enjoying the fall weather in these photos, it's 10 degrees here, people! I'm determined to keep my maxi dresses alive this season. ;)