
Hope For What's Next

As many of my faithful friends + readers know, I have returned from my more than blessed time and trip to Swaziland, Africa. Physically, my feet are 100% back home here in Minnesota... But, friends, I left my heart thousands of miles away back in that carepoint with the sweet children I got to know, love, and care for.

WHAT I'M WEARING ::  HEADBAND // Brady Bands :: SUNGLASSES // Vanity :: T-SHIRT // c/o Our Anthem is Hope ::  BRACELET / Swazi market  ::: SKIRT // Vanity ::  SANDALS // Old Navy

My time in Swaziland completely changed my heart, perspective, and ultimately my life. I know that's a broad statement. And as much as this type A personality, detail-oriented girl HATES broad... But I'm trying my best to embrace it.

Because I don't need to know every detail. I don't need to comprehend every feeling. I don't need to understand just why God has called me to a place so far away... I just need to say yes to His call.

When I was in Swaziland, I didn't spend an hour picking out my outfit for the day. I didn't worry about the petty things in my life. I didn't waste time and energy worrying about things I cannot control. I simply woke up each morning and said, "Yes, God. I'm up for whatever you have for me today."

My adjustment to being back here in the states has been an incredibly slow process thus far. I'm writing, I'm praying, and I'm trying to process everything before sharing because I want to get it right... And I don't want to miss a single step in doing so.

I move to college in 21 days and am already rapidly researching ways to get back to Africa as soon as possible. During my time in Swaziland, one of the missionaries I had the opportunity to chat with told me about an incredible organization called the Abide Family Center in Uganda and their internship program. Needless to say, much of my 20 hour flight home was spent praying about my future plans to pursue social work and missional ministries, my desire to move someplace in Africa, and my emotions about the place I have so desperately fallen in love with.

Amidst it all, I am so thankful for sweet friends like Natalie who give me hope in the future that is to come and hope in the only God who can change this world. Her business, Our Anthem is Hope, is creating hope all around the world and I am so thankful that she helped give me the opportunity to bring that hope to Swaziland. I can't wait to see where God takes it next. :)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up!



It's been so amazing to see how this trip has changed your heart, perspective, and life! I knew it would. I knew from the moment you said you were going that it would. Your heart was created to love on those children that need you there. I'll be praying that God presents MANY more opportunities for you there!! xoxo


What a great trip! Good luck with your next journey. My husband is from Kenya. Our goal is to one day live in Africa too.


So neat to hear about your trip! My husband and I went on a mission trip to Ecuador last summer, and I remember feeling all the same things as I came home and adjusted back to life. So glad you got to go and that God has moved in your heart.

xo, Amy Ann
The Real Arnolds


I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful experience! I hope that you have more opportunities like this in the future!


So excited that your trip was so amazing! I hope you get to go on more amazing trips soon! :) This top is pretty much perfection on you, I love it!


What a precious experience for you! I have heard that it is hard to readjust to life in the states when you return from missionary work. Your time and efforts were I'm sure, greatly appreciated!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod


What an amazing experience! That motto is so perfect and true. I hope you get to take advantage of more opportunities like this is the future!

Nicole to the Nines


this was totally the trip for you. i am so grateful that you got to experience it. i can not imagine. how beautiful!

but i am happy you are back! can't wait to have you at bethel and babysit crue and have coffee with me :)

next time you will have to sneak a kiddo back with you!


It seems like you had such an amazing experience in Africa, and it really changed your life! I hope that you find another opportunity to go back. I really do praise you for what you are doing :)

Lauren xo
Sophisticated In Style


i love the color of that maxi! it's so pretty!


What an amazing experience! I hope that you have the opportunity to go back! You are doing great things!



I'm a new reader, and I totally just stumbled on your blog! The cool thing is that I've been praying about doing something similar to what you did. I've always wanted to go do Jesus stuff in Africa, and God's been kind of pointing me towards that lately. So, it's so cool that I found this, and I can't wait to keep up with your journey!


Sounds like a life changing experience. Love the tee.
Dawn Lucy


What an absolutely adorable t-shirt! Love everything about it. It looks wonderful paired with your coral maxi skirt. Really wonderful relaxed summer look!



I'm glad to hear you had such a great experience. I will be anxiously awaiting to hear all about it!


I am so glad that you were able to go to Swaziland and I'm even more happy to hear about how it has stayed in your heart. I seriously cannot wait to hear more about your time there. You are such an amazing gal and I cross my fingers that you are able to go back or do the internship program in Uganda ♥


You are such an amazing kid and I love to see how God is working in your life. I am happy to be back in touch with you(: Susan


That shirt symbolizes so much--love it!
I imagine that God has a wonderful life of missions in store for you, whether it be Africa, or at home in MN :)



Aw, this gave me goosebumps. What a transformative experience! God is going to continue to use you in big ways from this. I love your shirt and the message.


You look adorable! I love that tee!


I gotta get me one of those anchor shirts, Kenz!!! It'll remind me of you when you move to Bethel… :) Thanks for joining our team. As Mike & I stated before, your bravery was astounding! Excited to see where your journey leads from here!


What an awesome experience! I'm so excited for your future plans and hope you'll continue to document it all right here for us to follow along with! :)