
Currently (December '14)

thankful for -- my roommate, the girls on my floor, my best friend Amy, my mom, and my sisters for dealing with the emotional wreck that I've been lately + my nanny family and little brother for putting a smile on my face daily. I've always said that one can only be as tough as their support system is, and well, mine is pretty freakin' great.

watching -- Elf about once a week and, of course, Gilmore Girls. Every episode, courtesy of Netflix. Usually one a night, but sometimes it's more like two ten to avoid the final papers I have to write...I know, I'm a cotton headed ninny muggins!

listening to -- Christmas music, Christmas music, ALL THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC. Also? Any/every worship song by Bethel Live. And, if I'm in desperate need of motivation, the High School Musical Pandora station does the trick.

writing -- in my journal. A lot. About fears and questions and doubt, but always coming back to faith and hope and the promise of Heaven...which is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

stressing over -- finals + surgeries. I take my last final on the 16th, I have my first surgery on the 17th and my second on the 19th. When I first got the scheduling confirmation, it felt like forever away...but now? I ONLY HAVE A WEEK LEFT.

working on -- final papers. OY! And blog posts! Over Thanksgiving I sat down and did a lot of work on this little ole' blog of mine. This year, I really struggled with consistently writing/publishing stuff here and I have missed it so much. The goal is to write here at least 3 times a week for the rest of the year. :)

praying about -- finals, surgery recovery, next semester, the spring break missions trip to JAMAICA I'm going on, and finding peace in every circumstance...it's so comforting to know that He hears + cares about it all.

What are your currently's?



thankful for -- my family and close friends and awesome patient advocates for keeping me happy, healthy, and motivated.

watching -- Gotham, but now they're off until the spring! What am I going to do?? I guess White Christmas needs to happen soon :)

listening to -- meditations on Buddhify, Christmas songs, and Let It Go... Don't judge me!

writing -- blog posts about loss. I get in a funky mood this time of year when I do that, so maybe I should lay off.

stressing over -- hearing back about my new job! The waiting is driving me crazy!! But, it's all but confirmed, so I will just have to learn to be a patient patient.

working on -- writing a few pieces not only for my blog but also for newsletters and whatnot. I'm pretty excited about it all actually.

praying about -- your surgeries! I hope all goes well dear <3


So thankful for you! Praying that your finals and the surgeries go well! Definitely watching Elf soon! I can't believe I haven't watched it yet!


Good luck getting through the next week! You're in my thoughts and prayers :)


I'm currently in love with your yellow mug :)

Hope you make it through the next week... keep watching Elf - it will get you through it laughing :)


Good luck with the next week! You are going to do great. :)


Praying for you as this next week comes for you.


I'm praying for you, Kenzie! Jesus will be with you as you walk through finals and surgery. He will hold you tightly and pour His love out over you.

Where in Jamaica are you going? I'd love to hear more about your trip!

heckyeshotmess said...

Gilmore girls is really addicting. I am so happy it is on Netflix!


Love that mug! And I also love that you're watching Elf multiple times this Christmas. xoxo