
Jesus Is Taking Me To Swaziland!

For as long as I can remember, I've loved children. Caring for them, encouraging them, giggling with them, and simply being around them is all it takes for my little ole' heart to be so full it's leaking out pure joy. They're my passion, my calling, and who God has called me to reach.

When I met my friend Danielle, my heart was forever changed by how selfless she is in serving Christ. She works closely with an organization called Children's HopeChest which frequently visits a small country in Africa called Swaziland. The mission to bring Christ's love to the children living there has lit a fire deep down inside of me and it's gotten far past the point of control. And so...

I have prayed over and over again about this trip over the course of two years. While my heart would be overly content WHEREVER God would choose to take me, there is something special about this place and there is a calling for me to be there. Jesus, my friends, is taking me to Swaziland!

Now, I'd be lying big time if I said I haven't had doubts about this seemingly crazy decision...

"My doctor's may not clear me to go..." 
"HOW will I come up with the money?" 
"Where do I even begin?" 

But every single time one of those ridiculous thoughts from the devil pops into my head, there is a whispering from Jesus that says, "Have faith," and an encouragement that says, "YOU are going."

I believe in this trip and the mission more than words can say. I'm filled with the excitement of how it will grow my faith and change my heart. I know will never be the same after taking this step out of my comfort zone. Never. And that excites me more than anything in the world because THAT is precisely the way I want to serve Jesus.

I've put this trip in the back of my mind lately because I'm scared that it won't all pan out the way I desperately want it to. In church last Sunday, though, our worship team sang the song Oceans by Hillsong United. This song has over 500 plays on my iTunes and it still "hits me" in a different way every time and that morning was no different. I got teary eyed singing it word for word because it solidified my faith and calling in this trip. 

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders...
Let me walk upon the waters...
Wherever You would call me...
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander...
And my faith will be made stronger...
In the presence of my Savior..."

The first step to making this trip a reality was prayer. After I received the "go ahead" from the big guy upstairs, I talked to my doctor's. There will definitely be some kinks to work out because of the medication I'm on and vaccinations I'll need, but I am leaving it all in the hands of my Savior and am moving onto the next step because I know HE is able - ALWAYS - and I know that it will all work out in a way that allows me to look back and say, "Wow, He provided just like He always does!"

While I prayerfully prepare for all that lies ahead, I'm starting to save and raise the money I'll need to cover the cost of my plane ticket. This, to me, is the scariest part. As I prepare to enter the college life at Bethel University this fall, I'm saving my pennies. Between the money I earn by working as a barista and nanny, there isn't much room for spending... But again, I KNOW God will provide, as He always does, to make this trip possible!

If you have been touched or feel so inclined to donate any amount of money towards my passion for this trip, you are safely able to do so using the Paypal widget below. In doing this, it's almost as if YOU are going on the trip with me! Above all else, though, I appreciate your prayers during the preparation for this amazing journey.

Oh, I cannot wait to see how He grows and changes my little ole' heart through the people of SWAZILAND! 



Happy to help! You are amazing! I can't wait to hear all about it.


So excited for you! This is amazing Kenzie! You're going to touch so many lives, not that you don't already, but wow! Just so, so, so excited for you!!


This is such a wonderful opportunity for you and I pray & hope that it all comes together for you!


Whoo Hoo!! You were meant to go on this trip. So happy for you dear!!


This is so awesome, girlie!! Excited for you!!


That's so amazing!!! My husband and I went to Eastern Africa (Tanzania) to volunteer with children during our honeymoon, and it was one of the best trips of my life. I'm so glad you're going to have such a life-changing experience and I cannot wait to read all about it!


Kenzie, I'm so glad to hear that you've found your calling in life! From reading your blog I can tell that you're an incredibly strong and inspiring woman, and you can totally do this!


Wow this is absolutely amazing! I am so excited for you. :)


Kenzie-Girl! I am BEYOND thrilled to have you on the Swazi Team! My excitement is stirred hearing how the Lord is already preparing your heart & strengthening your faith in Him to work BIG through your life that is surrendered to Him. I pray that your trip will fully funded by those who love & believe in you... and there are many! #createhope2014


That is so incredibly exciting! If God wants you in Swaziland, He will definitely get you there! I'm praying for you, that everything goes well and that God uses you to spread His love! Oh, and I absolutely LOVE Oceans. It hits me differently every time too.


A friend of mine just came back from swazi http://christinavale.myadventures.org/ she held a fundraiser to raise money for her trip. Good luck ! I've heard its an amazing experience.


How incredible!!!! Super excited for you! I cannot wait to hear about your journey. :D Congrats!!

Love & light,


I am sooo excited for you, lovely! God is going to do amazing things through you, but He is also going to do a radical work in YOUR heart. It's amazing.

You can count on my donation. :)