
"You Blog?"

Just this year, a lot of people "found out" that I'm a blogger. I blame Facebook and the way it constantly promotes your page's posts... Which only a blogger would love. ;) It never fails, though. Every time someone new "finds out", there's the dreadfully repetitive awkward conversation...

"Soooooooo... You blog?" To which I respond... "Yes! Yes, I do!"

Some people actually care and aren't just curious. Those conversations are actually enlightening because I LOVE sharing the things I love. The people I'm close with tend to think it's pretty rad, but people I don't know very well often give me the dazed bug eyes...

"Sooooooo... What do you write about?" To which I should REALLY respond... "My life, mostly. I also take a lot of selfies and pretend I'm fashionable + fit!" (HA!)

My favorite one has probably been... "Oh my gosh! Kenz! I saw you on Pinterest last night! Cute outfit! Why haven't you ever worn that to school?" Yes. Guilty. Sometimes I DO spend my afternoon throwing on a bunch of different outfits + having my best friend Amy snap pictures just so I have outfit material to work with for the next few weeks... Only a blogger...

I think my parents know I blog, but it's not something we talk about at the dinner table all the time if ya know what I mean. It's just kind of an unspoken subject. They're busy and I'm looking like a fat lard on the couch doing blog stuff CONSTANTLY. Oh, except for when I'm taking pictures of myself at the gym. Only a blogger...

I  had a conversation with my sister this weekend about blogging in general. I explained to her the idea of advertising and how there's actually ways to make money off of blogging. She was completely FLOORED by the idea and now I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm some sort of con artist...

Anyway. Life's crazy. And yes, I blog. Don't mess with me or you'll probably be the subject of my next post. ;) Hope you enjoyed a little blogger humor this morning... I also hope it's beautiful wherever you are!

Do your friends/family know you blog? Have you ever had an awkward conversation with someone who "found out?"



I laughed so hard at that "what my..." picture!!

David constantly asks me, "are you going to blog about this?" or "what?! you don't wanna take a picture of this for your blog?"


It totally is a different world! My family knows I blog - I know my parents are pretty faithful readers. My husband, however, is still learning - but I think he's catching on. I asked him just this morning to take a picture of something for me to add to my blog. :) But yes, the conversations with someone who 'finds out' are pretty awkward...

Happy Monday!


I've always been open about my blog. I didn't want to share my blog on Facebook at first...kinda figured if people found out then fine. BUT I didn't want to be a closet blogger at all, so now everyone knows!


That's hilarious. I love it! My hubby seriously doesn't get it but he pretends to care. :)


I find myself not posting things on Instagram just so I have something for the blog. My fav pic is the one of the guy and girl that says What do you mean how was my day.... hahaa! EXCUSE ME, MOM? You didn't read today's post? WHAT?


Haha I love this! :)


This is fantastic lol I'm not a closet blogger, my family and close friends and Mr. B of course know all about it, mostly because I like to overshadow. But the people I work with and strangers don't really get it. My boss one time told my team that I'm kind of a big deal on the Internet and I DIED . Lol I love how non bloggers don't get bloggers and how my life is a walking blog post. :) happy day pretty girl!


This post is great! So true lol
I have been more open about my blog to friends and family recently and I still feel weird if I think they are reading it.


My parents know I blog, but they don't read it, at least I don't think they do.

& my pastor's wife came up to me last fall and said, I really like your blog! So apparently she reads it too lol.

But I usually don't volunteer that I blog lol.


Mom loves it, Dad doesn't care, and my brother thinks I'm just weird for blogging.

"Wait, you're going to put this on your blog?!" -Big Bro

I love writing, and some of my friends know about my blog. I did have an awkward conversation the other day. I started telling someone about a story I know they already read on my blog. I was like, "Wait, should I just stop or keep going?" Lol!

On the other hand...My boyfriend loves reading my blog. You can thank him for double checking my posts for errors!


This is so great :) Most people in my life don't know I blog and it's totally awkward. This was perfect.


Once in a while I'm surprised when I find out that a friends or acquaintance reads my blog. Just last week a friend of my husband's who I don't know well told me that she reads my blog--that surprised me! I'm very open about blogging because I have a goal of a career in writing, so I'm actively trying to develop my audience now. It is a funny little lifestyle. I do have some friends that ask lots of questions trying to understand the whole blogging thing.


My husband is very supportive of my blogging. His parents and brother don't really understand. I don't even think they know I blog. Oh well. My parents read it when I post a link on face book.
Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl


hehehehehe. this is hilarious. and so very true!
one time my dad shared my blog on his facebook page. i immediately texted him and said TAKE THAT DOWN! lol.


I just died laughing!!! LOVE THIS POST! And yes, it totally relates to what we were talking about last night! LOVE IT!!!


blogging helped me land my new job! I told them during my second round of interviews but didn't mention it during the first since I wasn't sure if they'd care about my little food and lifestyle blog. But now my boss teases that I made a huge mistake in not telling him right away.


For the 1st year I blogged I didn't tell anyone except my boyfriend. The past few months I have ventured out and told some friends but still haven't let any of them read it, I am getting there :)


Some of these made me laugh :) My blog has just started coming out in my "real life" a little bit thanks to Instagram. It's still sort of weird to me but I find that I care less and less the longer I blog. Who knows if I'll ever really be "open" about it though!


This is great. It's always so interesting when people from Facebook tell me they read my blog hahal




These cartoons are hilarious! I always feel awkward too when people talk to me about my blog! lol! Cute blog btw!

thelittlebluebungalow said...

My husband knows I blog.. he kind of nods and smile. I think he read it once. My mom knows its where i talk about these people all the time i never met. And I think I only shared my like with 3 of my friends.. when I mentioned something to someone that I do blog he asked the same thing "what do you blog about". I came up with a sarcastic answer but its true. we blog about life. because .. people listen to related things. like us !! it helps the days not go so bad. But yeah it is majorly awkward .. and no one in my small town gets it.

Always, Manda


some know i blog but they don't know where. my boyfriend is the only one that knows where i blog.


hardly anyone in my real life knows I blog and most of the ones that do think its an online diary. You are funny. Keep it up.


So Amberly just posted about this and I found yours from her website and I love this. I love the ecard photo. HILARIOUS.