
A Published Writer

After I got home from a day full of nanny duties yesterday, I was sorting through the papers on the counter when I saw a yellow envelope addressed to myself from Quite Magazine. I tore into it right away because I knew it was the first official print issue I'd been waiting to receive. Sure enough, it was!

I started paging through it, reading and admiring the colorful images. I had a smile plastered on my face and SO much joy in my heart for my sweet friend Morgan{founder + editor of QUITE.} That's when I stumbled across a page with my picture on it. My very own testimony in that itty bitty typewriter font. My blog URL beneath the image.

Tears literally filled my eyes as the words, "SAY WHAT?!" ran through my mind. It was so surreal to see my story in PRINT... In a Christ-centered magazine for women seeking encouragement in their lives... Doing EXACTLY what God had intended it to do all along...

Inspire. Motivate. Encourage. Affect. Touch. Reassure. Excite. Energize. Liven. Support. Influence. BLESS.

I remembered the e-mail I'd received from Morgan in November of 2012 asking me to send her a shortened version of my testimony + what God has done in my life. I remembered the night I wrote that article with tear-filled eyes and a grateful heart...

Immediately, I found myself praying over the tiny little print. Asking God to use it in even just ONE life. Asking Him to make sure it blessed someone. Anyone. I prayed "the scary prayer." God, have Your will in my life. Use me.

Even though I wrote out that story... Even though I've lived it... I reread it over and over again a bazillion times yesterday. Every time, the gratefulness in my heart multiplied by the thousands.

I'm not prideful of my story. I'm not proud of some of the choices I made while walking through some of those daunting valleys. To be completely honest, there are days I wish it all away. The pain, my diagnosis... Even some of the blessings God has so graciously given me. There are days I just wish life {and my situation in particular} was easy.

Looking back, though, I'm completely, entirely, and wholeheartedly grateful that God doesn't promise easy. He doesn't promise that we'll make it through tear-free... Pain-free... Temptation-free. He only promises that He'll never leave our side.

There is something so beautiful and secure about that promise. I just want to soak that truth up today and everyday.

I could not be more grateful for His love... The love that has seen me through, brought me here, and made me into who I am... He is good. So good.

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This is amazing, Kenzie! So Happy for you!!!


I NEED your autograph!!!! And please sign it "The Kenzinator" :) In all seriousness, this is just awesome and no doubt he is going to continue using your life, your story, your song, in AMAZING ways!!!!! Love you girlfriend!!! XO


Trust me...you are blessing lives every single day that you publicly share your walk with Jesus. You inspire me to do the same. Love you, lady!


This is amazing! So excited for you! Great job!


You're amazing!! Congrats girl, that's awesome!! You're going to do bigger things than you already are... if that's possible! Keep up the great work :) xoxo


CONGRATULATIONS!! That's amazing! You are a beautiful writer and I'm so proud of you!


So proud of you Kenz!!! This is truly amazing and so happy for you!! :)


I love this. Congrats!


Congrats sweet girl!


SO proud of you!!! That is so amazing!!!


How awesome! I know that you have changed a lot of people's lives with your story and testimony!!!


Congratulations! This is absolutely amazing!


Your smile is one that makes me smile at my computer screen and then feel like a goof for doing so. I mean that in the most non-creeper way possible. haha!


That's pretty cool!!


How exciting for you!! That is so cool that you got to be featured in the magazine and will be able to touch so many more lives through it


Kenz- this is fantastic!!! Congrats love!! You are so amazing so this doesn't surprise me that you would have something published!! Soo happy for you!


Congrats, friend. This is amazing and well-deserved. God is so faithful.


Yay yay yay!!!! I'm so proud of you! Yay! :)
Would you be willing to let me use that article on my blog as a guest post??

xo girl! :) love you so much!