
I Don't Know When It's Gonna Happen, But...

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... I'm going to write a book. Maybe it'll be a memoir. Maybe it'll be a biography. Whatever it is, it's going to be good for my heart and my biggest dream come true.

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... I'm going to be a nurse. I'm going to work with kids who have been diagnosed with autoimmune diseases and I'm going to advocate for them. Wherever I am, I'll love my job.

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... I'm going to have long hair. Long, luscious, put-it-in-a-sock-bun kinda hair. And I'm totally not going to wash it every day.

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... I'm going to go on a missions trip to Africa. My heart wants to go to Kenya, but I know any place there would be more than sufficient. I want to use my GIVE personality to touch lives a million miles away.

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... My arthritis is going to go into remission. I'm not going to be taking any more medications and hospital's won't feel like my home away from home anymore. Whenever that is, I'm still going to be grateful for the journey I've been on.

I don't know when it's gonna happen, but... I'm going to adopt three babies and have two of my own. I'm going to love them with a wild, passionate love and I'm going to feel complete.



I hope it happens , pretty lady :)


I love this. And you are gorgeous!


I love this! And I can't wait to see your book. I'll be one of the first in line to buy it!


I have no doubt you will make each and every one of these dreams happen!


I love this post! You should make it into a linkup!


Kenz, this is beautiful! Follow those dreams, girl!


You have such a sweet heart. I am in the process of writing a book. It is so fun and hard. I think when I am done it will be the best thing I have done in a long time.


The fact that you have the desire to write a book is amazing. I know it will happen.


I hope and pray that all of these things happen for you someday!!!

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries


This is so sweet! And such a cool format for a post!


beautiful. xxo


I love this idea for a post. Hope all your dreams come true :-)


You've got some beautiful plans ahead of you! And none of us seem to be able to know exactly when our dreams will happen, but it's good to have something to work toward.


I love that your dreams aren't just dreams, they are plans! My husband is the same way and I love it about him! P.S. That color is stunning on you and I love your hair!


I am so with you with the Africa thing, I am constantly telling my family how one day I'll be there


You HAVE to write a book. I would buy it + the rest of the copies left on the shelf :) I love you sweets! You're such a beautiful person and I'm so, so lucky to call you my friend!


Send me your book to edit when you're finished :)


You are awesome! I love your blog!


I love this post! I hope it all happens for you!


You are so cute... I love this post! :) Also, I have hair down to my waist and I only wash it every few days... it's GLORIOUS! haha


Follow those dreams and it will come true! Never give up! Your patients will be very thankful to have you as their advocate, someone the nursing field needs!


I seriously can't wait to read your book. I know it's going to be awesome. And your smile makes me happy... You're an incredible inspiration. Keep it up!! Xo