
"You Blog?" The Deep Version

Back in June, I wrote a lighthearted post titled "You Blog?". Essentially, it was about the funny looks I often get when people find out I'm a blogger. The confused expressions. The goofy questions.

Underneath that, though, there was something a little deeper.

I'm a high school student. It surprises me how many of my readers don't know that until I blatantly write it in a post, but it is, in fact, the truth. ;) A few times, I've been approached by people I go to school with and they've jokingly made a comment or two about my "online life." Whether it's a comment about how often I tweet, a comment about how there's "ALWAYS something wrong with me," or a comment about how I constantly take pictures of my outfits... It actually hurts.

Because while I'm Kenzie... The teenage version... I'm also an aspiring writer. I'm also a face of chronic pain. I'm also best friends with people I've never actually met in real life. I also honestly and transparently share my struggles through posts on this blog... For all to see.

I know that's my choice, and let me tell you, it's a choice I CHOOSE to make DAILY. I make that choice because writing is what makes me feel good. I used to think I wasn't good at anything. I don't play sports, I don't sing (well), and I'm not a 4.0 student. But when I discovered that I could WRITE... Real, honest, and raw things straight from my heart... When I discovered that I could make my voice heard... That's when I discovered there was so much more to the person I was created to be than even I know. My blog is a direct representation of ME. Sharing my story has changed perspectives. It has encouraged hearts. And to me, that's really, really beautiful. It's something I will always be proud of.

So when you make those comments and I shrug it off, fake laugh, and move on with my day... Please remember that I do this for the community I've been surrounded by. For the 1,000 positive comments that outweigh the negative one. For other teens struggling with chronic pain scattered all across the world. For the people who look through my archives for inspiration. For ME.

Please remember that if being in this space is not making a positive difference in your life, you can click the little red X in the corner.

Yes, I blog. And yes, I'm proud of who I am. As a writer, as an advocate, as a person, and as everything else that God created me to be.



GREAT . I really admire your spirit . I am in high school too and mostly , my fellows don't get my blogging . At least I know what I am doing , it matters most :)


This is a beautiful post, Kenzie! You deserve all the love you get - you are truly inspiring!


Good for you! High school can be tough anyways, adding a blog into the mix makes you one tough cookie! I enjoy reading your blog and I love this post. Yay for blogging!

katielookingforward.com said...

Confession: I blogged a bit on myspace. I'm sure I could go find those posts now, but I'm kind of glad I can't. I'm also glad I have something a little separate from facebook and twitter, I space where I can expand on my thoughts and put it out there for people to see. What I like about blogging is that you can reach out to a great community not necessarily in your network. You could check out "layers of happiness" its a mother daughter blog and the daughter is in high school.


Ignore their comments and stay strong! You have to do what makes YOU happy. You're a very strong woman, own it! Blogging is the best ;)


You are an amazing writer and inspire people daily! Always remember that! All that other stuff...doesn't matter!


I love this! I've been blogging since high school, too! Back then blogging wasn't even known except in the alternative crowd (woo LiveJournal and Xanga). Own it girl! It is an amazing ability to have and your friendships will last :)


I think it's so cool that, as a high schooler, you're blogging and speaking out about issues that matter. You're making a difference in people's lives and you enjoy what you do. Keep it up, girl!


Send them to me if they make fun of you taking too many outfit pictures. I will direct them to my Mean Muggin Wednesday mirror selfies and they will quickly realize I am in fact the crazy one and you are normal and beauuuutiful!! Props to you for standing up, I get weird looks too, but whatevs they don't know what they're missing : )


Writing a blog worth reading IS something to be proud of, girl! And I hide my age a lot--even in real life, I don't like to let people know because I don't think my age tells the most important thing about me. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young!


I absolutely adore you. Although I will be honest, I did NOT know that you're still in high school... which clearly just speaks towards how mature you are for your age. It takes a lot of bravery to openly pour your heart out for everyone to see. When I was your age, there was no one in my personal life who knew about my blogs because I was too afraid to share things that I thought with the people I actually knew. Now, I share them with everyone and even though there are still some moments when I worry what people will think, I'm glad that I can be open and honest with anyone who wants to read it.

I really admire you for putting yourself out there like you do and for being such an inspiration to us all. Thank you! :)

Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries


You have ever reason to be proud, Kenzie. To know yourself the way you do already? It's such an accomplishment. I can't wait to keep seeing what you do. You're an old soul. I felt that way too at your age, by the way.


I love this post!! My brother in law always says, "You only tweet blog stuff" Yeah.. that's what my Twitter is for, you don't have to follow it if you don't want to. Or the husband will joke that EVERY picture I take is going to end up on the blog (they really don't, I also take pictures for the sake of having memories, he has no idea how much I used to take pictures in college, and blogging has just brought me back to that). I took a picture of him dressed up as a snowman at church yesterday (for Instagram and Facebook because it was funny) and someone made a comment on how he made a great snowman and that they saw me taking pictures to show people and his response was something like, "She's a blogger, so by tomorrow a million strangers I've never met will have seen that picture, that's the only reason she takes pictures." Yes we are bloggers, and yes a lot of our lives end up on our blogs, but I think it's funny that everyone automatically assumes everything we do in life is so that we have something to blog about. :P Um.. nope, it wasn't before and it's not now, but yes, it might end up on my blog or social media accounts. Phew... end rant! :)


Thatta' girl! Those positive comments, for me, anyway, always outweigh the negative ones...as hard as THOSE can be. People can be mean, and especially so when it's something they don't understand. I feel like MANY people don't "get" blogging. Many people have made comments about me putting my life out there and taking so many photos of my boys, etc. and it's hard not to say, "Just because you are private doesn't mean I have to be." You are who you are -- and MANY of us love you just that way! :)


Well, I had no idea that you were in high school! But, I am definitely not judging you on that at all. You are such a beautiful girl and appear to be mature beyond your years. So many young men and women have no idea what they want to do at your age and I admire your passion and determination for what you do. Don't let anyone try to break you down or destroy that spirit. I also love that blogging opens us up to friends of all ages. Bet you'll never guess my age? I had my daughter very young, but she is in high school now, so I could be your mom! Ha! :)


Oh and I forgot to mention... my daughter's name is Mackenzie. :)


Oh wow!! I didn't know you were in High School. Your maturity is well beyond your years! I feel the same way as you. People kind of make fun or judge, but getting my story out there brings me a huge sense of peace.


I think it is so cool that you have a blog. I mostly had a paper journal in high school, and a private xanga one that I used a few dozen times. I created a website in high school with pictures and stuff that I liked... People would make fun of me and said I had way too much time on my hands. In reality, it wasn't that difficult to create. Now, having websites and blogs and things tech-related are cool.

Don't let anyone get you down!


My dear girl...you are a true blessing and inspiration to all of us! Keep the faith :)


Such a good post. The pictures of you are beautiful! your hair looks amazing lady.


I've been writing since I was in high school too, but you are a much better writer than I was/am :)


Girl, I am seriously so PROUD of you! High school is evil. Blogging is emotional. I can't imagine ever combining the two. You're brave and beautiful! :) People like to discount the importance of things they don't understand... most people that don't blog don't understand it so it can be hard to communicate to them what an amazing outlet it can come to be and just how special our spaces on the internet become to us. You have a great support system here! :)


I think I've left one comment on your blog before, maybe, but I seriously think you are one special girl. I started blogging in high school too. I was writing a book, running a publicity campaign for it and blogging. People thought I was crazy, but words are what I know and what I love. I absolutely love this post! Blogging is such a special, crazy thing!!


Boom!!!! Preach!


Girl you are awesome! When I first 'met' you in blog land I had NO idea you were in high school until prom!! haha . I am so proud of you and your ability to share REAL life while in high school as a believer in Christ! YOU GO GIRL!


Good for you! I would have never had the strength and guts to "go public" in high school. I still don't and I'm almost 30! It's awesome that you can share your heart and not be ashamed!


It's easy to sometimes forget that you are in high school because you are so mature about things, something I wish I could have said about myself when I was in high school! I love that you are always genuine in your posts and that you write from the heart ♥


new reader.

ps. love this post and you are adorable!


I'm sorry to hear you've gotten critical comments from people at your school - that stinks. I have to say, as someone who is pretty far removed from high school - it can be cruel, but someday you will look back and be glad that you were yourself during this time when so many people are still trying to figure it out. I really appreciate reading your thoughts on everything you write about, and that's coming from someone in the "real world" (which high school isn't). So keep writing, Kenz, because it will take you places! You express yourself very well in this space and seem like such a sweetheart to me. :-)


I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm already in love with it. You are a beautiful girl with a wonderful blog! I'm excited to start following along.



First of all, I had no idea you were still in high school, you carry yourself as much older :) Second, I still struggle with the same thing as a senior in college, people think I'm so weird for blogging but I've learned not to let it bother me! All my housemates even get jealous of all the packages I get via swaps, reviews, etc. I think blogging is the best choice I've made in college, so if you love it stick with it, regardless of the haters!

xo Shane


Love your blog! Super cute and you sound the sweetest!!

I'm doing a giveaway on my blog, would love for you to get a chance to stop by and enter. http://lailascharmingpieces.blogspot.com/


You really are so mature for your age! I know you're in high school, but sometimes when I read your posts I forget. :) I love your spirit and heart!

alittlehopex said...

I always wrote - well typed. In some kind of online journal.
I started seeking out toward the blogging world more when I started having more health issues.

You are very inspiring & if people can't see how wonderful you are - it's true they don't have to read it.



So proud of you. Because this is perfect. And it's your heart and that makes my heart warm inside.

Haters gonna hate and the loss is theirs even though sometimes the hurt makes us think it's ours.



This is beautiful. I LOVE IT! :) I too love writing, and I have fallen deeply in love with it! I have come to love blogging more and more!! Thanks for sharing :)