
Prommity Prom Prom '13

This post was supposed to be written and published last week, but because between final projects and getting caught up on sleep, I totally didn't make time for it! Happy to say that things have calmed down around here, though, and I can finally get back to sharing my heart here. :) Lots of good things scheduled this week!

Anyway, prom was last Saturday (May 11th) and I had the best time... On the Thursday night before, I decided to go for a 2 1/2 mile run because I was feeling pretty well except for the flare up I was in. I wanted to get one last workout in before prom and I'd been so busy that I hadn't run in almost a week. So, I went for it. And when I got home, my knees, ankles, and shins swelled up... My arthritis was in all of its glory. I cried a lot that night because I thought it meant I'd be miserable for prom, but God worked  an amazing, amazing miracle in my life and body because I woke up Saturday morning feeling better than ever! God knows how much I love to dance and I KNOW that He knew I just needed to be "Kenzie" for a night... Not "Kenzie with arthritis."

(DISCLAIMER: Prepare for a complete photo dump!)

I got my hair done by my incredible hair stylist Saturday morning. It was amazing to say the least... I LOVED how blonde it looked and how full it was. 

My bestie Amelia did my makeup afterwards (picture below, could NOT live without her...) and I basically got the rest of me ready in 10 minutes! Crazy how fast that day flew!

My date was a good guy friend. You can read about how he asked me here. He's super thoughtful and we had so much fun together! Plus, he cleans up pretty gooooooood. ;)

Obviously, we took loads of pictures before going anywhere...

Then we met up with friends for more pictures! Of course!

Then we did all the prom stuff... Went out for dinner, hung out, took more pictures... etc. etc.! :)

My school does something called grand march where you and your date get introduced and all the parents/families come watch!

After grand march, more pictures...

And then the dance started! You tell me who was having the most fun... ;) HA!

Afterwards, we went to a friends for a bonfire. It was great to just hang out and enjoy the gorgeous weather. :) I can't believe it's all over! So crazy how fast everything flew.

I went to bed that night with the biggest smile on my face. I'm so thankful that God gave me a day to be KENZIE in all of her glory. I danced my assets off, laughed way too much, and only took 2 pain pills along with my daily steroid. That's an AMAZING miracle. Juvenile arthritis had NO hold over me that night...




You look great! I love the almost Grecian style of your dress! And it's awesome that you were feeling good the whole time too!


YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! You have such a positive attitude that shines through you all the time. I'm so glad you enjoyed your prom, I'm sure you'll remember it for the rest if your life!

Shelby xoxo


Love you dress! You looked gorgeous! :)


You are too cute! And you looked absolutely gorgeous! You get my vote for best dress!!


You looked absolutely gorgeous, Kenz! :) Looks like you had the time of your life and so happy you were feeling well to enjoy the entire night.


You looked beyond gorgeous! I love your dress! So glad to see you had a great time– you deserve it girl! This is bringing back prom memories for me. So much fun!


Your dress is amazing!!! Glad to hear that you had a lot of fun! (:


This totes made my day 100 times better!! Those pictures are priceless!!! :) All I want to do is go back!!! :)


This totes made my day 100 times better!! Those pictures are priceless!!! :) All I want to do is go back!!! :)


I absolutely adore your dress, and you look absolutely gorgeous! I am so glad that you had such an amazing night at prom :D Love the pictures!!


It looks like you had a lot of fun! :) Hooray for you!!!!


Love your dress and so happy you had an amazing time!


You were absolutely stunning!!!! :)


Beautiful and so happy for you!!