
Count It All As Pure Joy

This weekend, my church held a mini-women's conference. A few weeks ago, my youth pastor's wife had asked me to record my testimony on video for them to show there. The theme this year?

La Vita Bella - The Beautiful Life.

I laughed when I heard that. 

More like a beautiful mess.

I prayed about it, recorded it, and then found out I had to work this Saturday. At first I thought it was better that way... Because then I wouldn't have to sit through watching my own video {I was crazy nervous} - but then, one of my lovely coworkers picked up the rest of my shift and let me off early...

Crap. Ha!

I went to the conference that day and could not be more moved by the message it represented. Life IS truly beautiful no matter what season God has us in. He is always good and He will always provide.

My testimony video was incredibly hard for me to watch. I think the reason I cried so hard watching it was because I still feel that same pain on a daily basis. It's not gone and it may never be here on earth... But my hopelessness is. Jesus broke those chains and gave me purpose in this pain.

Anyway, my video ended and I was bawling. Sitting next to me was my best friend Amelia... A woman of God like no other, a prayer warrior, someone I can TRUST...

She turned to me, hugged me, and whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you." Then, she handed me her phone. She had pulled up James 1:2-3 which says...

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

I cried more, hugged her tightly, and silently thanked God a BILLION times in my head. How on earth did I get so blessed?

While I'm anxiously awaiting a copy of my testimony to share with you all... For now, I just want to hold onto those incredible words in James... And I want to rejoice in God's name and how absolutely, incredibly powerful He is.

It needs to be known that I fight that battle daily. The battle with pain, the battle with swelling... My earthly body fights it. But my spiritual body? The Holy Spirit living inside of me? THAT spirit who goes by the name of JESUS already won that battle long ago... On the cross.

And because of that amazing victory, I can count it ALL as pure joy... That fight may mean nothing when I do it alone, but when I do it allowing Jesus to shine through me, there's a purpose. There's a Savior who's stronger than what I'm facing.

That's a promise worth living for... Worth SMILING about. Yes, yes indeed.



This made me smile so BIG! Wish I could hug you right now!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXO :)


:) Can't wait to watch the video!


You are such an inspiration! You should be proud of yourself! Can't wait to see the video!!