
This Is God's Story Through Me

From day one, God set the desire in my heart to share. Whether it be my time, my heart, or my story, I want to be sure I'm doing just that... Every second of every day. And, I want to do it solely because God has asked me to.

My selfish, human desires would LOVE to title this post, "My Story." But, because I never had to face a single moment of this journey alone, I cannot.

This is God's story through me.

God truly deserves all the glory for bringing me this far... He has given me the strength to not only battle my arthritis, but also to pass six kidney stones, overcome various sight/hearing limitations and ultimately... He gave me the strength to get out of bed this morning and SMILE! :) I am beyond blessed and pray every single night that Jesus would be praised because of my journey. God has promised me healing, it's on its way, and while I'm waiting, I will continue to praise Him for all that He's done and will continue to do through me. :)

James 1:2-3 says... "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has the chance to grow."



I left you a message on your facebook page yesterday after reading this, but I'll say it again! I'm continually amazed by you! God has blessed you with an amazing heart and an amazing voice. You're using it to praise Him and bring others to Him at 17 is just mind blowing to me. I don't think I was that strong/courageous at your age. Don't ever lose your voice, your passion! Still praying about Bethel for you!


You are so so precious! I love hearing what God is doing in your life and how you're praising him for the good and the bad:) You shine Jesus....keep on keepin' on girlfriend!


Thank you so much for sharing! SO proud of how far you have come and that I have a chance to follow along on your journey. I will be praying for you sweet girl!


I watched this on facebook and I am so blessed by your inspiration, girl!! You are such a beautiful soul, and God has big plans for you! Of that, I'm sure :)


You are amazing!!!! I am teaching a group of 14 and 15 year old girls on Sunday and I may use your video, if I can work it into my lesson!! Love you girl!!! Keep it up, you are an inspiration to us all!!!!


You are adorable. And inspirational. And amazing. I LOVED this video.


ohh hey in tears over here.
I can't relate to you in a medical way but in a spiritual way, endlessly!

So proud of you for sharing and for being the strong amazing girl that you are!


This is so encouraging to me! As a strong Christian, I am always looking for ways to include the gospel and words of encouragement in my post. It's so nice to see others being fearless about their faith. My blog is about to take a major turn over the summer as I am serving as a missionary in Australia for 9 weeks! I joined your site and am looking forward to reading more posts from you! You are welcome to follow me back!



Kenz! I saw your post on Samantha's Hooah and Hiccups today and so glad I stopped by. It's so wonderful and refreshing to see other young women giving all the glory to our Lord. God is clearly doing wonderful and amazing things through you!


Wow! What a wonderful testimony of what God is doing in your life! I found you through IG from bloggers/IRL friends! You are such a blessing!