
July Running In Review + Fitness Inspiration

I can hardly believe it's already the second day of August! It's ridiculous how fast last month flew and even more ridiculous how fast the summer has gone! Time.flies.

After running 25 miles in June, I was hoping to reach that same goal in July. It didn't necessarily happen that way, but I'm still proud of the miles I racked up for the month! Two of my runs were outdoors and that alone is a huge step out of my comfort zone! Call me crazy, but I love me some "dreadmill" time. ;) Something about being in the comfort of my gym and having the peace of mind that says I can stop whenever I want to is basically my favorite thing. Ever.

My average mile was under 10 minutes which was a great accomplishment. My pace was (and is!) all over the place, but it doesn't really bother me anymore! Some days I feel the speed, other days I feel the distance. Occasionally, I feel both. At the end of day, I just feel blessed to be able to run and the satisfaction from that blessing alone is enough to keep me coming back for more!

I'm proud of July overall, even if I only squeezed those 5 runs in. I can already tell that August will be great! Shooting for 20 miles this month! and I'm hoping to squeeze in a 5K today. :)  (Getting 6 hours of sleep due to pain last night was NOT what I was expecting... Putting the kabosh on that this morning!)

I also thought it'd be fun to share a few ladies who inspire my fitness today!

I received two different e-mails this week from women who told me that I inspire them. It blew me away completely and blessed me so stinkin' much... Those two ladies took a few minutes out of their day to simply be thankful and express that to me. I am forever grateful and because of that, I really wanted to take some time to reach out to the girls who inspire me that same way! These women are my biggest encouragement on days that I simply cannot do it without ladies who hold me accountable and motivate me to be better. Stronger. Happier.

Marta, Haley, Maggie, and Adie @ Four Fit Sisters : I found out about these ladies and their awesomeness through Haley on Instagram. They have been the biggest inspiration to me lately and have tons of advice to offer on gluten free eating, cross training, etc. Such an awesome resource for so many women! 

Jen @ A Daily Dose of Davis : Self explanatory since I'm linking up with her today, but I honestly don't remember my life without knowing this woman! She's known me since I was on running restrictions and she's still encouraging me today... So thankful for her and her positivity!

Megan @ Skinny Meg : SO many women know and love her. She lays her life out there for everyone to see. She's real, she's honest, and she's hilarious in the midst of it all. Getting to know her has been one of the hugest blessings ever!

Nikki @ The Pink Growl : We were friends on Instagram, then we found out about eachother's blogs, now we're both insanely inspired by one another. She just posted her new running playlist this week and I'm spending some time today downloading a bunch off of her list!

Mal @ Mal Smiles : She is completely rockin'! A more hardcore version of myself. ;) She challenges me and really makes me want to try out a body pump class in my area! So motivated, so fit, and so smiley! Striving to be more like her!

Jen @ Boys Will Be Boys : I love how she's real and honest about falling off track, but still stays motivated and makes the changes she needs to jump back on! Her story on how she became a runner is also crazy motivating!

There you have it, fit friends! A lot of rambling thrown into one post on this lovely Friday! I'm off to have my hair done this afternoon (YAY!) and then I have the entire weekend off. Someone want to tell me what I'm supposed to do with all that free time?! ;)

Linking up for Health & Fitness Friday.



Girl you are killin it with your running! So proud of you!


Wow!! that's awesome! You go, girl!


Woohoo! Running outside = big, awesome step. Keep it up, you'll LOVE running outdoors in the fall. It's beautiful!


OMG you sweet thing you! Thank you for the shoutout! I'm glad we can help/inspire each other!


Ooooh, some good blogs there. I'll have to look into them.

Go you on the running! I have just started trying to get back in shape, and I'm starting with just walking, and while it's working I am definitely ready to get the right kind of shoes and run! So it's cool to see someone else who is getting there.


I just jumped on the running track, and as much I still dislike running, it helps me 'blow off steam' from the day and regroup. Loving getting fit and having more energy too :) Keep it up girl!!


Running is my fave! I have been lazy with my runs this month too, but I broke my all-time speed/distance record the other day and it was AWESOME. What a great feeling! Keep it up!!

Also, body pump is SO MUCH FUN! I did it last year when I moved back home for a few months, and it was great. Now I use the techniques I learned in my own workouts. Love it! Definitely give it a try!


Running is my fave! I have been lazy with my runs this month too, but I broke my all-time speed/distance record the other day and it was AWESOME. What a great feeling! Keep it up!!

Also, body pump is SO MUCH FUN! I did it last year when I moved back home for a few months, and it was great. Now I use the techniques I learned in my own workouts. Love it! Definitely give it a try!


Girlfriend...now I am SO SAD I am behind on comments because this post was SO SWEET!!! Thank you for including me with so many amazing women who are FAR MORE dedicated than I am to fitness. Haha! I tell you this all the time but it AMAZES me how far you've come with running this year. I couldn't be more proud of you or more thankful that you always take time to be part of this little link-up. I appreciate all the inspiration YOU GIVE ME :-)