
Summer's End: Messy Buns + Pretty Maxis

Back in July, I purchase my very first big girl camera and I was oh, so proud. My outfit posts have improved since, but sometimes I run out of time to snap fancy pictures of the outfit I want to share... And so? The iPhone gets put to good crappy use. HA!

Nonetheless, I love that I'm even posting this today. Yeah, the pictures are crap... But this dress is stunning, my hair is in a FAB messy bun, and it's another perfect reminder that I'm a real girl.

My hair doesn't always stay in place.
My outfits aren't always put together.
My picture quality isn't always the greatest.

And that's okay.

Things have been insanely crazy since I'm getting ready for class to start next Tuesday. I'm soaking in the last of my lazy days and staying sane has become way more important to me than getting the perfect pictures for this bliggity blog. AMEN?!

Headband // Polka Dot Posies // Necklace // Groopdealz // Dress // Kiki La'rue // Ring // c/o Wild Butterfly Boutique

If I could pile my hair in a messy bun everyday til the end of forever, I would be a ridiculous, slap-happy version of a Kenzie. ;)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up.



That is a really cool dress!! And as far as the pictures....oh well! We can still see you! We're all spoiled these days with too many dslr's around! :P

The Random Writings of Rachel


What an awesome dress! I could pile my hair into a bun every day too. The temptation is always there...


I love this look! I want that glitter headband!




That dress is ADORABLE!! Looks fantastic on you. Plus, I personally am a big fan of iphone photography.


Hi, I found you through WIWW! And haha sometimes it really is hard to squeeze in some time to take a fancy shot of an outfit. But there are free dslr apps for your camera that make the lens really sharp. I have one and sometimes my photos turn out looking like I took it with my real camera- you should check them out! And i LOVE your dress! That print is so eye catching and pretty. And it looks cute with the messy bun :)

xo marlen
Messages on a Napkin


Well I think you look great in these pictures, but I totally agree - sometimes there is not enough time to make everything happen on your list and you've just got to embrace it!


Love the maxi dress and AMEN for imperfections!!!!


way cute maxi! I pile my hair up every single night (and sometimes day)... love it off my neck!


Love that maxi! Such a great pattern :) You look stunning!


Love that maxi! What a great print!


You pull off the messy bun look so well! When I try it myself, I end up looking like I on my way to the gym or like I just rolled out of bed. Your maxi is super cute too :)


You look GORGEOUS!

I have Wild Butterfly's ring too! I LOOVE it:)



No matter what camera you use, you are still pretty! I'm guilty about being the same way...I got no time for better cameras or I'm just being too lazy. lol! But hey, Iphone cam is always there to the rescue. I want to wear maxi skirt already! Just don't know when.


Love the head band and maxi skirt! Really cute blog. : )



Wow, great dress! I also really like your fun headband!
This Ever Evolving Life


Super cute dress! and sometimes, iPhone photos just have to do! {at least there's filters to make it artsy now ;}


I'm totally jealous of that dress! AND even more jealous how you are rocking, ROCKING, that sparkly headband. My head is weirdly shaped and those never stay on!

Thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful weekend!


You are the cutest thing!

Thank you for linking up with Style Sessions!

Lauren xx


This dress is SO pretty!

Sparkles and Shoes


That maxi dress is ADORABLE!! I've been trying to find another maxi or two to add to my wardrobe but I'm very picky and only want one I know I'll love for more than just one season.

I hear ya on the messy bun girl! If only I could perfect mine with my super long, straight, never-wants-to-stay-puthair, I'd be a happy girl too :) Doesn't your whole mood just brighten when you don't have to worry about all that hair in your face??

Exploring My Style