
#runningforsupernannykenz + August Mileage

This will most likely be my last running update for awhile being Wednesday's craziness left me sore, tired, uncomfortable, and did I mention SORE? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Moving on! My goal at the beginning of August was to run 30 miles in 30 days and reach 100 miles on my Nike+ before summer ended. I made some HUGE strides in reaching those goals in just 12 days, so even though I can't run for the next 6 weeks, I'm proud of how much I got done and I'm excited to officially reach those goals... All in good time, of course!

My last 4 runs were ALL over a 5K distance wise and that makes me crazy happy. The distance runner I was in junior high is totally making herself known again and that's really exciting + fun to watch within myself! My pace is still sucking it up outside outside, but I like to challenge myself to get out there every now and then!

Running a 5 miler AND a 6 miler within two weeks felt ah.maz.ing. I never in a million years thought I was capable of that. I guess people do crazy things when they have to give up something they're passionate about for 6 agonizing weeks! ;)

Luckily, I still get to do some low impact exercising like yoga! I've been talking about taking a class all summer long, just haven't gotten around to it yet. No better time than now, so I really hope I can squeeze that in next week!

My favorite running songs never got posted last week, so these are the latest I can't get out of my head! *cough cough* Take note of the One Direction! ;)

R U N N I N G . J A M S

Best Song Ever by One Direction
New Strings by Miranda Lambert
Goodbye Town by Lady Antebellum
Blurred Lines by T.I. ft. Pharrell
Hello, My Name Is by Matthew West

One of my IG friends and fellow runners, Jodi, posted a SWEET comment for me to wake up to yesterday morning and it made me tear up! Blown away by the support from other woman I don't even know in real life. The running community is SO awesome!

The answer to that question is yellow and pink, for those wondering. :) #runningforsupernannykenz is now a thing! Immeasurably blessed I am. Thankful, thankful, thankful for the women standing behind me as I tough this one out!

It's Friday. I survived this week. It's happy here. :)



check you out!!! this is awesome! Makes me so happy for you! I love Blurred Lines, it's such a fun song!


You are AMAZING!


I WILL run for your sweet girl... I just started the C25K program, so it wont be a ton of running.. but some!


This is so awesome! I hope to be as successful as you when it comes to running! Awesome post!



That is so incredibly sweet! :) I ran one time this summer and reading this is really inspiring me to get back on the ball with it! I will run for you!


I will be running for you this weekend lovely girl!


oh my GOSH you are a running queen! I wish I could get my butt motivated to do that much running! Have you always been a runner or did you work your way into this??


wow! great job on your running accomplishment! that is amazing!


who in their right mind says "never in your wildest dreams" when Niall Horan asks to take them home? that girl had issues. ;) and that song is my current jam. all day, everyday.



Hands down to you! I find it hard to run although I can brisk walk. :)


Congrats! I've never been able to run more than 3 miles at a time...haha. I guess I just don't push myself enough!
Jeans and a Teacup


I just got so emotional over this. I am not a runner. I actually hate it, I really prefer playing something or doing kickboxing. But for you, I'm going to try running this week.


That's so awesome! I don't run, but rest assured that if I do, I'll be thinking of you!