
The Perks Of A Big Girl Camera

Ever since I started blogging, I began to save for "bigger" purchases I wanted to make in order to make this space more meaningful and productive.

First, it was an iPad. I had this glorious fantasy of laying in bed responding to e-mails before going to bed at night without having to sit at my desk with my laptop and having access to "blog stuff" during my study periods at school... (Ahem. I guess that's when you know you're a blogger...) Luckily, Santa made this wish come true for me this year and I've actually LOVED having something so portable and uh... Convenient to watch Netflix on. ;)

Secondly, it was a new laptop. My little Acer is aging by the second and the webcam isn't all that great. Ever since I began vlogging, I knew that I wanted to upgrade to a Mac, though, so saving for that purchase has been quite a tumultuous journey. In other words, I've saved about $200 and then gave up. Ha! One day...

More recently since I got into the fashion blogger world, I've been saving for a REAL camera. One that makes me look like I know what I'm doing and can actually produce some good quality to make my outfits appear more pin-worthy. ;)

Last week, one of my friends just happened to post that she was selling her Fujifilm for a reasonable price with all the accessories so that she could upgrade. I was sold in literally two seconds and officially purchased it that week. Ever since? I've been dressing a lot cuter and smiling a lot more just so I have the chance to use it! I may just have a shot at becoming a fashion blogger yet. ;)

It's a little bit surreal to me because I wasn't expecting to have one anytime soon, but for how smooth everything went, I'm know it was just meant to be!

The biggest perks I'm loving so far?

1.) I feel so inspired! My sister and I decided to make some DIY Workout Tops this past weekend and I got the tutorial up in less than two days! Taking pictures of each step and editing them accordingly in order to get the post together was actually a TON of fun! I'm also in the process of making + sharing my favorite gluten free recipes!

2.) My outfit posts are about to be taken to the next level! I'm a huge fan of style posts. HUGE. You post a cute outfit you wore? Heaven knows I'll spend a half hour stalking you after reading it. Seeing my favorite bloggers like Molly with such clear, vivid images really made me realize how much a good quality camera helps showcase the outfit even more in images!

3.) Family shenanigans. WORD. I've been carrying my new camera around just about everywhere and I've been capturing more of our family moments than usual. I'm obviously still addicted to Instagram and my trusty little iPhone, but sometimes it's a relief to "unplug" and just focus on capturing the moment rather than posting it right away!

It's super exciting that something I've been working crazy hard for is finally in my hands! Now, I can focus on saving my little butt off for that laptop... :)

What are your favorite perks of having a "big girl camera?"

Disclaimer: OBVIOUSLY, I couldn't use my new camera to take pictures WITH the camera. Ha! You'll have to excuse the crappy iPhone photos for just one last post... ;)



You are just the cutest!! I love that you're so inspired! I was like that after I got my Big Girl Camera too! :)
I can't wait to see your fashion posts!


That's great! I'm saving up for a big girl camera, too, actually, and for similar reasons. Plus, now that I'm officially moving to Nashville next week, I want to have a higher-quality camera to document my adventures.

Also, blogging is such a huge distraction for me from my health issues (I also have RA, as well as fibromyalgia), and having a higher quality camera and being able to do everything that goes along with it.

Have a great day!


So exciting!! Happy for you :) Can't wait to see more pictures!


So, so happy for you - of course! ;) I'm looking forward to seeing your new photos!


How exciting! I want a big girl camera so bad. :(


love love love!
i want a big girl camera SO bad! hopefully with bebe on the way thatll finally happen soon soon! once we decide WHICH dslr! oye vey.


I'm so excited for you! A big girl camera is already on my Christmas list. haha


Have fun with that camera! Can't wait to see all the awesome posts that are going to come along with it!



Ahh I can't wait to get a big girl camera! lol


My boyfriend got a "big boy camera" for his birthday in January and we're loving it! There is such a difference between that and his old point-and-shoot!

Exploring My Style