
The One Direction Experience & Photo Dump

Two years ago, I fell in crazy-teenage-love with an Irish/British boyband called One Direction. Sigh. I don't usually obsess over the rise and fall of trends in the celeb world, but I seriously could not help myself with this one.

About a year and a half ago, my friend Jaycee and I found out that they had extended their world tour and had a show scheduled at the Target Center in Minneapolis. There were tears, hugs, shrieks of excitement, and $100 tickets. Our parents nearly checked us into therapy.

We had a countdown going the day the tickets arrived on our doorstep. We bought them in March 2012 and the concert wasn't until July 18, 2013. Yep, we're well aware that's a little crazy.

The day came, the concert started, we took too many pictures, I lost my voice from screaming so loudly, and just like that... It's all over. Super bittersweet, but I'm so glad that we got to go see our future husby's together! ;) It's a night neither one of us will ever be able to forget!

Y'all got lucky because guess who's camera died 20 minutes in? Yep, I'm the idiot who didn't bring extra CHARGED batteries. Palm meet face.

For real though, it was amazeballs. All 5 of them were absolutely hilarious, cute, personable and really freakin' cute. Did I say they were cute? I had the best time being a ridiculous, annoying fangirl for the evening. It was basically the bomb.com!

Now, onto the outfit deets... 100 degrees + crazy humidity, anyone? I had big plans to wear my red skinny jeans, but I would have died... I settled for a pair of my favorite shorts!

Necklace // Molly Suzanne
Top // Wet Seal
Bracelet // Threads by The Shine Project
Shorts // ShopKo
Sandals // Target

I just know I'll look back on this night when I'm old and grey and smile because of how ridiculous I was. That's something I'm proud of... Life is too short to be anything but!

What's the best concert you've ever been to?



You are just too cute!! Glad you had a blast!


That is a really cute outfit! Very light and fresh and girly. I like it. ;D


I love how extremely happy you are in all of these pics!


You're so cute. Love your outfit and glad you had a blast!


I love how happy and excited you look! :)


yay! looks like it was so much fun!
And look at that little irish hottie with his tank on....ow ow!! ;)
Loved the outfit you wore!

My friend just went to their show in June and i was SO JEALOUS!


Girl, I'm so glad y'all went-and had fun!! My girlfriends and I are planning on going to the Backstreet Boys concert next month, and I'm so excited!


okay. first things first, your outfit was absolutely PERFFF! love it. :)


OMG!!! i can't believe how amazingly amazing and cute and funny and sweet and cute they are. augh. why? i just am unable to even right now.



I'm so old, but the best concert I went to was Garth Brooks. I loved him so much at the time, and when he came on stage I started to cry! ;)


beautiful photos! you were super close if you got awesome photos like that!!


I'm so glad we were both able to go to that concert! SERIOUSLY SO AMAZING!! Definitely worth waiting a year for :)


Love you outfit! You got some awesome photos. Looks like fun :)


I love your outfit! Glad you had such an amazing time :D


Oh my goodness, you are hilarious. And absolutely adorable, to boot!