
Less Pressure, More Passion

This week was a good week. An amazing, productive, absolutely exhausting week that I actually really loved and will never be able to forget.

I volunteered in the 4 and 5 year old's room for Vacation Bible School at my church and loved every God-given second I was blessed with... To lead, encourage, and sing. To just be someone to hold their precious little hands when they needed some help or redirection. I can't even describe how purposeful I felt lying down in bed each night knowing that I planted seeds in those kiddos... Seeds that God will continue to grow.

I had some post scheduling issues on Wednesday, I didn't get around to writing my post in time for Thursday, and the post idea that I had planned for today just wasn't flowing. I was feeling so blessed with everything that's crossed my path this week and it got to be a little overwhelming because I just couldn't get my thoughts down fast enough... + in an organized manner.

I was going to say heck with a post today, but then I realized that this topic itself would make a great one. An honest one straight from the heart of a blogger who has been putting way too much pressure on herself. It's strange, but I often forget the purpose of this space is very simply to share what's on my heart and what I'm passionate about. There's no one barking orders or shunning me... But it's so easy to feel that way when things don't go according to plan. We really are our own worst critic's.

Truth be told, the reason I wasn't able to find time to get my Thursday post written was because immediately after Bible School, I met up with one of my dearest friends for coffee. She just got back from a missions trip to Panama and I wanted to hear all about it. THAT'S what my heart needed that night. When I got home, I went straight to bed. I had to be up by 6:30 the next morning to nanny and I valued my prayer time and sleep more than I valued writing that post.

Does it mean I don't want to share it? No. Does it mean I regret getting coffee with my bestie instead of coming home to work on it? Absolutely not. It only means that things didn't work out exactly the way my little perfectionist mind and type A personality had planned they would and because of that, I counted myself as a failure of a blogger.

That thought alone says that I have lost all sense of what my heart wants for this blog. Today, I'm putting the kabosh on that nonsense and I'm getting organized. I'm filling empty notebooks or blank iPhone notes with ideas, words, and experiences that I want to share from this week and I'm moving forward with less pressure on my back and more passion in my heart.

Can a girl get an amen?

My heart is filled with so much HAPPY looking back on this week...

one // coffee on coffee on coffee. word.
two // dancing to the new One Direction song with the little lady I nanny. life is too short to be anything but ridiculous.
three // volunteering at VBS with two ladies who love Jesus more than I do. friendships that challenge me are exactly what my heart is in need of. blessed by my besties.
four // there's no way running is only good for the body, it's WAY good for the soul. needed it this week more than ever.
five // the window lady at Caribou upgraded my small drink to a medium just because she recognized me as a "regular." oh happy day!



So glad you had a great week! I had a darn good one too, and it just feels good! XOXO


Glad you had a great week. Sometimes we just need time to process everything before we can share!


I also have a perfectionist's mind and I sometimes (wait--a lot of times!) get overwhelmed by pressure instead of passion. I love how you contrasted them in your post. What awesome thoughts! I'm glad you had a good week :) VBS sounds fun and I definitely experienced how running is good for the soul this week!

xo, gina


Yay for having a good week!!!! Happy Friday!


I know exactly what you mean. There is this weird point you get to as a blogger where you start feeling pressure to post, and you realize that your brain is telling me to change what you do that day to accommodate making sure you sit down and write one. The heart knows better, though ;) Readers would rather lose one post in a week and see you have a great time!

Coffee with your friends is a serious soul recharge. Ah, it seems like everyone is talking VBS lately; my five-year-old niece did her first VBS this year and it is making me miss it so much! I think maybe I need to get involved next year!


Sounds like a wonderful week my friend! :)


Such a positive post - I'm so glad you had a wonderful week!

I'm stopping by from Mal Smiles since you were featured - might I say, I am in LOVE with your blog design! SO stinkin' cute!!!

It's lovely to meet you - I really enjoyed my stay!


Sounds like you had a fabulous week! You are such an inspiration.

Thanks for linking up with Friday's Fab Favorites!

Lauren xx


That is so awesome that you got a chance to volunteered for Vacation Bible School! Such a great opportunity!



I look forward to all of your posts. No matter the topic, they are always inspiring and uplifting. That's just who you are!



so much happy!!!