
This Little Blog Is ONE!

Once upon a time, some girl thought it would be a good idea to start a blog.

It was a spontaneous, naive decision that somehow shaped me into the young lady I am today and through the process, I've met some of my best friends. This little ole' blog has allowed me to share my storymy struggles, my accomplishments, and most importantly, my smile. It's become my passion and I am forever grateful for that!

Today, it's officially been a year since I made that spur-of-the-moment decision. A YEAR. I honestly cannot imagine my life without the friendships I've formed and the hobby I've fallen in love with. This blog has truly become a part of who I am and it's amazing to see how much Jesus has used it to inspire and bless others... I can't wait to see what the next year will bring!

Blood, sweat, tears, and lots of funds have gone into this little space. I'm more proud of it than anything I own or call "mine." Ahem. Except for my collection of 43 scarves. The reality of it all, though, is that none of it would be possible without YOU... The people who care enough to read and encourage me to keep going! Today, I want to say thank you. For believing in me. For believing in this space. And for sharing in the trials and triumphs alike. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.

To celebrate, ad space is 20% off using the code BLOGGIVERSARY for a limited time! I'm also treating myself to the One Direction concert in Minneapolis tonight... But that has less to do with this crazy little blog's birthday and more to do with an obsession I have with those 5 Irish/British boys. ;)



Happy blogiversary!!! I just started following you a few months ago and I LOVE it!


Also, so jealous you got to meet Chelsea! She seems amazing!


Happy 1 year!!! It's amazing how fast the time goes.


Yay! Congrats on one year of blogging! It's so much fun! Have tons of fun with 1D tonight.


Happy blogiversary!!! I too am celebrating my first blogiversary. Congrats on a fantastic blog. You are an amazing and inspirational young lady. I still can't believe that you are so young. You are wise beyond your years. Here's to many more years of blogging. I might try to kidnap Niall from 1D for you when he gets back to Ireland. If you get any big deliveries you'll know what it is. Ha!


Happy one year of blogging Miss Kenzie!! Can't wait to keep reading :)


Happy blogiversary!!


HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY! It has been amazing hearing your story over the past year and knowing what you have been through! I would have loved to have your fire for God when I was your age! Have a great time at your concert tonight! Can't wait to hear all about it! Love you!
Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl


Happy Birthday to your blog!!!


AHHHH! happy blog birthday you crazy amazing blog you! if it weren't for you, I wouldn't really know my BFF Kenzie! thanks a million for being in existence so that we could "meet" and be friends!

(love you, Kenz!! :)


So glad you decided to start blogging, I absolutely adore both you and your blog! So, HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!


happy birthday bloggie!


Happy day for you sweet girl! I always love your posts and IG photos! Blessings! Susan


happy one year!!! thanks so much for the oppurtunity :)


Happy blogiversary!! I don't have instagram so I can only enter 3 times :( Great giveaway though!

Exploring My Style


Happy one year of blogging, lady! Hope to meet you through a MN Blogger meet up someday.


Congrats on reaching one year, Kenz! I have always loved reading your blog, and its been so fun to want it grow and change over time. I'm with you -- my spur of the moment decision to start a blog changed my life:)

Shelby xoxo


YAY! Happy Bloggiversary girlfriend! I love milestones like this :)


Yay blog-anniversary! It's always good to see bloggers going strong!


Happy Blogaversary!