
Send Coffee & Painkillers

A few weeks ago, I outlined all of my summer fitness goals + rewards that I'd spoil myself with when I completed them...

I actually ran 25 miles in June, {my goal was 15} so I rightfully deserve the Polar Watch I'd promised myself. However, there's one little problem: I forgot I'd actually have to pay for it. HA! Wouldn't it be nice if someone just paid for our reward when we reach our goals? I get paid this week, so maybe I'll order it sometime this weekend. :)

Anyway, I started hacking away at another goal on that list called The 300 Challenge last night. It sounds painful, I know, and let me tell you... IT IS.

The move I found the hardest was the Kayakers at the end. I've done these babies plenty of times before, so I think the reason I found them so challenging was the fact that they were the final move. I was shot and I could hardly lift my feet off the ground. I was literally on the verge of tears at one point. It burned THAT good. Let the crappy iPhone photos speak for themselves, I guess...

The wide leg sit ups also gave me a run for my money. Those were a freaking hay day. My core was cramping crazy bad during these babies, but I really feel like this move does the most!

As always,  joined in the fun and we officially started this craziness together. We both looked at eachother about 600 times and said, "WHAT WERE WE THINKING?" Huffing, puffing, and rolling around on the floor holding our core, of course. 

SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME THIS GETS EASIER. I'm committed now, I really need to earn my new sports bra, and I just took a spill down the steps because I can't walk.

Good riddens. Send coffee and painkillers. 



That is awesome! I so want to try this challenge! Thanks for posting about it! & you are a rock star, just in case nobody has told you that today



I'm like dying over here!!! You are so funny :) And seeing the look on your face in those pictures I'm WAY WAY intimidated to try this now! You're a rock star girl! Keep it up!


I started the 300 last month, and it's CRAZY HARD, but does get easier! :) Keep up the great work, Kenz!


BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Holy cow!! This is so funny but my core hurts so when I laugh!! ;)


I started the challenge last night too and it is KILLER! I am hoping it gets easier!!!


I'm going to try this after my baby is born! I'm going to need it, I bet. Right before I got pregnant I had set some big fitness goals. I'll be back on track soon!


You are, hillllllarious, but I am so proud of you for being a go getter in your fitness life!


Haha you crack me up! The faces are priceless.


I am loving the pictures!! I am going to have to check out this 300 challenge.. maybe I will do it after I do the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels!


I have a polar watch and LOVE it! i got mine at hearratemonitor.com that is the cheapest place i could find them!!