
DIY Workout Top In 9 Easy Steps

While we're currently in the middle of selling our house and moving, my little and sister and I are sharing a bedroom. Between the two of us and our years in {fill in the sport here}, we've each accumulated quite the pile of t-shirts... Many of which we never.even.wear.

We've made a few cutoffs out of them, but since we were getting sick of the same old tank look, we decided to put our own little twist on the cut off tee!

My sister and I literally made our tops in less than 15 minutes. The best way to put it is easy peasy lemon squeezy... ANYONE can make it!


- Oversized t-shirt
- Sharp scissors
- A pencil

Step 1: Lay out your tee on a clean work area (preferably a table or counter top).

Step 2: Cut the front part of the collar off the top of the tee right along the seam.

Step 3: Flip the top over and use your pencil to lightly draw a half circle. Because I wanted mine to have a little bit more of a deeper cut in back, I drew my half circle pretty low.

Step 4: After snipping off the collar, it should look something like this! It's okay if the two do not match up entirely - perfection is NOT necessary here. :)

Step 5: Cut both the sleeves the same way you did the collar. Try your best to stay right along the seam!

Step 6: It should look something like this (a cutoff tank) when you're finished.

Step 7: Cut the bottom seam of the tee off the same way you did the collar and sleeves.

Step 8: Now, backtrack up to the sleeves again and use your pencil to slightly sketch a more rounded line on the sleeves. If you want your top to end up more "girly," per say, you'll need to make the tank straps thinner!

Step 9: When you're finished, both straps should look something similar to this!

Step 10: Bunch the straps up together in your hand...

Step 11: Use any piece of the collar, sleeves, or bottom seam that you cut off earlier to tie the tank straps together. A simple double know will do just fine!

Step 12: Once double knotted, you can snip the excess fabric off of the tie.

That's literally ALL there is to it! I know the images are numbered through 12, but if you take out the 3 that only show you what it's supposed to look like, this tank can actually be made in 9 SIMPLE steps - less than 15 minutes!

I'm really excited to have a new way to cut all these old tees up! They're perfect to wear camping + as a swim cover up, but my favorite use is bound the be sweating in them at the gym. :)

Linking up with the Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop & Wow Us Wednesday.



How easy is that! Love it.


I planned on doing this to one of my tees but couldn't find the tutorial for it! This was perfect timing!! Thanks, Kenz!!

I also pinned it :)


Cute! I have a big tee that I've been wanting to do this to. Off I go.


I've been wanting to do one of these - so cute!


Cute! Mine never turn out as good as yours haha


So cute and easy!! Can't wait to cut up some of my old shirts!


I have been wanting to make one, but not sure how it would turn out! Love yours!! Seems so easy peasy lemon squeezy...love how you said that! Because I say it all the time to my husband, ha!




This turned out SOO cute! I love it :) I'm definitely going to try this with some of Cory's old t-shirts... don't tell him ;) And your photos with your new camera are GORGEOUS! So proud of you!


I love this!! Thanks for sharing! So quick and easy. I'm going to do it tonight to some of my old tshirts!


Love this!!!


Love this shirt!! I make one similar but this one looks way easier!! Great post!


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I would be honored if you join us and follow to stay connected Have a wonderful week!

Hugs, Cathy


I am so going to try this! Pinned it!