
5 Little Reminders For My Future Self

Dear self,

I hope you're smiling today. I hope you rolled out of bed this morning singing the latest One Direction single. I hope you had you got to have your white chocolate caramel creamer with a dash of coffee coffee with a dash of white chocolate caramel creamer by now and I hope you got to drink it out of a pretty little mug... I know how much you love that!

Whether you're reading this a year down the road, five, or even ten, I want to remind you of a few things:

1.) Jesus gave you a really, really joyful heart. Don't forget that, don't take it for granted, and I BEG you, don't.stop.sharing.it. Happiness comes naturally to you and that's something that you can't afford to lose. It's by far your biggest blessing!

2.) You CAN dance. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Your moves may not follow all the rules and maybe, just maybe, you'll fall over and hurt yourself sometimes... But it makes your heart happy and it's one of the only things that makes you feel completely carefree. Let people laugh at you. Just do it. And do it often.

3.) You're a weirdo. You really are. You recognize that, you embrace your quirks the best you can, and one day, you will find someone who accepts, cherishes, and loves them. 

4.) You're talented, patient, hard working, and you have a passion for helping people like no other. I sincerely hope you're embracing wherever it is God has you... Doing that alone will ensure that you live a purposeful, fulfilling life.

5.) The amount you worry is r.i.d.i.c.u.l.o.u.s. Let go of the plan you have for your life, throw your little Maybooks planner in the air, have faith, and just BE. Be present. Be a little careless. Be recklessly surrendered to the Savior you serve and good riddens, do it with that rockin' smile on your face.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever you're with... Hold onto the Word, smile until your face hurts, and things are gonna be just fine. 



Oh my goodness gracious, I just love this!!!! SO glad I found your blog when I did!


I love this! And everything is 100% true! Don't ever forget that!


This kind of reminds me of a letter I wrote to myself in my senior scrapbook. Maybe I'll have to share that on my blog someday.

And what is it about drinking out of cute mugs that makes us happy? I don't even drink coffee. But even just orange juice, it makes me happy! :)


I love how genuinely happy with life you are! Every time I come to read a new post, I can't help but leave a little happier, even if I've been having a bad day :)


I love this! And I love scriptures that speak to women...they are always so inspiring!
Our Fairy Tale


I agree with every single sentence except for the part about One Direction, haha!


This is awesome Kenz, and soo true.
If I can give you one piece of advice I have learned throughout the years is STOP planning.

Everything isn't going to be perfect, things are GOING to fall apart, but if you didn't have a plan, these imperfections will become almost unnoticeable:)

love you! xo


This outfit is ADORABLE and I absolutely LOVE this post! :)


This is such an amazing idea. How sweet it will be to look back on & read in the future :)


I LOVE this outfit!!
And this post!! SO MUCH!!


I just love you! This is wonderful!!

I'm so thankful for your witness. :)


You're such living doll!!!


HI Kenz! I love to see you flourishing in your walk with Christ and encouraging others to do the same! God gives us a joy that is unspeakable- and peace that surpasses our every fear, we can't help but smile! Love the pics!!! :) <3


Ah! I love this! Your smile is beyond beautiful, Kenzie! What an awesome way to promote loving yourself and who God made you to be!

I think I have to remember #5 a lot more often too! Being present is so important and there are so many better things than worrying about what's going to happen. Because we can't control it! Like you said, just gotta have a little faith :)

I hope you're having a wonderful day! Stay beautiful, girl!

xo, gina


Just loooove your blog! Please check mine out at missydallas.com!


Absolutely love #1. Something we should all remember. And the other reminders are great too. You are a doll! I love your outlook on life and how happy and positive you are. A true gem!

Also, great pictures and darling outfit.



this may be my favorite post yet. (besides the one with pictures of Harry... ;)
love you and your heart!!


Your blog makes me smile every time I read it:) You are SUCH a beautiful person inside and out!

Shelby xoxo


This is so sweet! We should all do something like this for ourselves. Sometimes it is easy to forget the things we appreciate about ourselves!

Just found your blog and I love it! I'm also a nanny :)

xoxo Jess
Foreign Room


I have to remind myself of #5 quite often :)