
Healthy Living Is A Gift

Since the start of my fitness journey back in February, I've made a lot of huge lifestyle changes. Since I'm taking a break from running the next few weeks, I thought it'd be the perfect time to reflect on those changes and share what I've learned from them!


1 // Staying hydrated is a priority. My "long run" days used to be Monday's and would typically be between 4-6 miles. Every week, I tried to drink 48 ounces of water BEFORE my run and 48 ounces AFTER my run. I never noticed a problem with side aches just as long as I only sipped on water throughout the 2 hours leading up to my run and I noticed the biggest, craziest change in my overall pace and endurance! That's when I decided to take the pledge to stay hydrated with Nestle Pure Life. Making my water intake just like another day-long meal has been wonderful and I'm glad I've made it a priority!


2 // Gluten free eating is a fun challenge. It's difficult, it's interesting, it's awesome... It's a lot all wrapped into one! I have noticed such a huge difference after cutting it out of my diet. Even though it appears so limiting the results are freeing and 100% worth it. It gets easier every.single.day! I shared my favorite gluten free snack options in hopes that it will guide someone else, even if just a little bit.


3 // Healthy living is a gift. I know I'm not the only one who often resents 'having' to go to the gym. 'Having' to eat that salad for lunch. 'Having' to stop splurging on our favorite comfort foods. NONE of those things are true. Healthy living is a choice that we get the opportunity to make, and if we find it important enough, there is joy in that!


This post is sponsored by Nestle Pure Life, however all thoughts, views, and opinions expressed are entirely my own. 
Linking up with Hallie and Mal to cure #NOtivation!



You know this is such a great perspective, that I never even realized. I am blessed with a great health, even though I don't exactly treat my body in the best ways. I really should appreciate my good health more and not feed my body with crap.


Great post! I need to appreciate my healthiness (even if I'm not perfectly healthy) and treat my body better, just like Nikki said!


Great post! It's amazing how we can feel after certain changes!! I agree with what Nikki said above too!!


Isn't living healthy fun? :) I still treat myself now and again and I'll always be a "snacker" BUT its fun to be healthy! Love that first quote!


Great tips! So true...why not give your body the best you can give? not saying I don't treat it to some soft serve every now and then ;)


So true! I didn't truly appreciate that I until I went through a health struggle of my own.


Just want to praise water! Not only does it help you endurance wise, but most of the time you think you are hungry, you are actually just thirsty. As well, from someone who constantly suffers migraines, water helps lessen them too! yaay!
Our Fairy Tale


This is so true. I have a chronic illness but I do what I can to make myself as healthy as I can. I have totally changed my diet and now have about 8-10 servings of fruit/veggies a day. I am about to go gluten free as well. A lot of people take health for granted, I am grateful that I know better now, sounds like you do too. Good luck on your journey. =)


This is so true. It's amazing how something so simple as being dehydrated can make me tired and grumpy. I have to constantly remind myself to drink water. Thanks so much for sharing, and I loved your post on sponsorships as well! http://janeheinrichs.blogspot.com