
A Time To Let Go

After returning home from Bloggy Boot Camp, I had a lot of unpacking to do. It put me into one of my organizational states. I started going through a box of my shoes in the foyer closet and sifting through them. Their "place" in my life ranged from work shoes, to dress shoes, to shoes I forgot I had. There was one worn, faded brown pair of moccasins in that box that I decided it was time to toss.

I held them in my hands and stared at them for awhile remembering all the things I did in them, or rather, what they did on my feet.

When I first started my job... I learned in those shoes.

When I went through 10 weeks of physical therapy... I healed in those shoes.

When I went to visit my Grandpa for the last time in the hospital... I cried in those shoes.

When I went out to dinner with friends... I celebrated in those shoes.

I'm not sure how it's possible for me to remember all the things I did in those shoes, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say it was because I needed to learn this lesson. God used a pair of ragged moccasins to teach me a lesson. Similarly, He used the initially faithless Abraham to teach me about faith and Gomer the prostitute to teach me about mercy and unconditional love. It's amazing to me how He uses the things that seem not to matter in the biggest way.

As much as I hate to put value into a material item, the undeniable fact that those shoes left a lasting impact on me is no exaggeration. They were my favorite and they had been with me. Ragged or not, there was an attachment to them.

That thought led me to thinking about other things in my life that are the same way. Negative friendships that I can't walk away from. Bad habits that have become my nature. Feelings of resentment because I can't move on from the past. That ragged pair of shoes and these thoughts all have one particular thing in common...

It's time to let them go.

Despite memories, despite how hard it is, despite not wanting to feel loss... There comes a point when it is unhealthy to hold onto things that don't serve as a use to us. There comes a point when letting go is essential to our well-being.

Throwing these old moccasins away versus keeping them in the bottom of a box in the closet wasn't exactly a decision that would affect my well-being, but my goodness, it put other things and situations in my life into perspective.

It may not ever be easy, but it is essential to let go of the things that no longer grow us. It makes room for the new. The better. The priorities.



LOVE this post!


I love this post! So beautifully written & so very true! It's also something I needed to read. Thank you!


Another amazing post. Girl, you are SO inspirational. I love this! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo


Wow! Kenz, this post is amazing. It really hit home with me. I needed to hear it this morning and I have no doubt that God used YOU to teach me a lesson today. Thank you!


I can definitely relate to attaching memories to pieces of clothing--but there definitely comes a season when you don't need those pieces any more!


Wow! Amazing post, Kenzie!


Kenzie, this is a beautiful post.


Your purposeful writing is beautiful! Love this new direction. :) Also loved the message here. Letting go is the hardest part of life I think.


For some things like that, I take a photo of it. That way I don't have to keep the item itself, but if I want to think about all those memories I can just pull up a photo of my feet in those shoes and it'll bring it all back.

There's a lot to let go of when you're finishing up high school and going out into the world! Some of it's going to be very tough, and sometimes it'll hurt, but you'll get through it! This is going to be a pretty crazy four or five years of your life, you know :) Get ready.


You truly are an incredible writer. Such an important and touching message. I always struggle to throw things away, but I'll remember this next time I'm clearing out my room. Thanks for this.


Wow, lovely post! I feel like I have so many memories attached to certain pairs of shoes too! Thanks for sharing, Kenzie!

xo, gina


your poor shoes! They are so lovely. guess that means to go shoe shopping! xo


My entire closet is full of those kind of shoes! Maybe I should start going through them... :)


Aww I love this post sweet friend!


Love this post!! I agree with it also. I had recently had a bad friendship I just had to let go a few months ago. It still hurts and I still miss that person. But I know that I am better off without and will be much healthier without that person in my life.
I love readin your posts!!


I absolutely love this post. I am definitely going to keep this in mind when I go through my things ♥


Love it! And you! ;)

alittlehopex said...

Great and inspiring post!

- Manda


So very well said


I just read that quote the other day and I love it! !