
It's Going To Be A Glorious Weekend

FRIDAY. It's only about a MILLION happy things today! Not only is it the last weekday, but it's the day I get to tour my dream college campus (ahem... Bethel University), squeeze my friend Chelsea in real life again, and prepare myself for the awesomeness that is Bloggy Boot Camp this weekend! I literally cannot wipe the smile off my face!

After being completely overwhelmed this week, it's necessary for me to enjoy today and the weekend entirely. Not bits and pieces... Not odds and ends... Entirely. Girl time the next two days sounds like a pretty good start to me!

I literally have so much preparing to do today, but something tells me it's going to be a glorious weekend! Can't wait to share all that I learn at Bloggy Boot Camp and use that knowledge to make this little ole' blog more purposeful than ever before! I'm bound to be the youngest woman there, so I'm also excited to share my perspective and influence!

Cheers to the freakin' weekend! I'll drink a kiddy cocktail to that. ;)

Linking up with Alissa!



Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend pretty lady!


Have fun at your college visit and bloggy boot camp!!


How exciting! Have a great time at your college visit :D
Hope you have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!


You are incredibly enthusiastic! Obviously your medical hijinks can't keep you down! Have an awesome weekend and make it count!


YAY! I can't wait to squeeze you right back TODAY!!!! :)


You are so cute. Watching this made me smile :)


I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait. Oh and I haven't packed. I'll do it on the way. Ha! Love you chica. Dance party in a hotel room tonight? I think it should happen! :) PS getting there around 7 - 7:30 ish now. :)


Have an amazing weekend dear sweet friend!


Yay! Have a great weekend! I can't wait to read about it! I hope Bethel is exactly what you want!


Wait, Bethel in TN? If you go to school there, I live 2 hrs away! Yayyy!!!


Have fun on your college tour! Are you visiting Bethel in Tennessee? I'm pretty close to there!


Bloggy boot camp is going to be awesome!

Sparkles and Shoes


Sounds like you have a very fun weekend ahead of you! I hope you have a wonderful time! It was so awesome hearing all about it. :)



Hope you've gotten to hug your friend for real by now! What a fun weekend you'll have. (you're so adorable in your video)




You are adorable! You were in my dream last night! I kept asking you how in the world you found Waxahachie, TX! haha.


I hope that you had a wonderful time at the conference! I've yet to attend one, but I look forward to one day ... I hope that you'll share a recap! xo