
Distance Never Prevails

I always have to chuckle at the best friends God has graciously blessed with me.

My sweet friend Chelsea lives in a city near Wisconsin. A 3 hour drive stops us from seeing each other on the daily.

My gorgeous cousin Tori lives in Oklahoma. There's just over a 900 mile road trip separating us from heart to hearts and shopping.

My wise friend Elissa lives in Russia. The Atlantic Ocean, 5,000 miles, and crazy timezones keep us from bible studies and stomach-pain-inducing laughter.

Don't get me wrong, the best friends I have here at home mean the world to me. They're blessings all their own and I'm grateful for them every.single.day. There's just a special connection and bond that distance creates.

In enters this girl...

Marie is a German exchange student at our school this year. She's staying with a guy my age and his family for the year. All I can say is that I've adored her since the day we met. Her sweet personality and humor makes me smile every day. Even more than that... We've dubbed ourselves soul sisters. She's a hugger like I am and I'm almost positive that we could carry on conversation + giggle for days straight.

She's just one of my people.

What's mind blowing to me is that out of all the places this beauty could have ended up... She's right here in this tiny, Minnesota town of 800. There is no doubt in my mind that God brought her here to teach me a lesson or ten about life.

4,500 miles and that darn Atlantic Ocean will separate us when she returns home, but my time with her now will be worth missing her then. I have no doubt we'll be flying overseas for each other's weddings one day because of our soul sister bond.

Friendships like this one are truly one of God's greatest gifts. Distance means so little when someone means so much. Distance never prevails. I'm sure of it.



So glad you have such amazing friends!Isn't it amazing the friends that He blesses us with both near and far! It just stinks when they are farther away!


Aw this is wonderful! Most of my closest friends do NOT live near me so I rarely see them. :(


You are blessed with so many amazing friends and they are blessed to have you. :)


How cool. My aunt has an exchange student from Germany staying with her too :)


Love this so much! God truly blesses each and every one of us with amazing people!


I love finding someone that is just like me. It's so much fun.


and you guys are both beautiful. I looks like you are having a BLAST. which is the best way to spend time.


you are sooo cute!