
The Power Of Words

Too often, I lose sight of what I've always wanted this little ole' blog to be. I forget that it's not about the pressure to post daily, it's not about the follower count, and it's not about being scared of what my readers will think.

I've always wanted it to be a place where I can document while grieving and growing as a person. I've always wanted it to be a place that impacts the one person who needed to hear what God put on my heart that day.

Last night, I realized that I want all of those things for my writing in general. It doesn't matter if I type it here, make it the caption on one of my Instagram pictures, post a Facebook status, or submit an assignment for school... I want the power in my words to be a positive one.

All words leave an impact. The things we say stick with the people we say them to forever. It might sound a little crazy, but as a blogger, I don't believe that actions speak louder than words. In fact, I believe that the process of putting feelings into words is the most beautiful thing there is in this life. I know that sounds like some dramatic over-exaggeration... But to me, it's the definition of passion.

I got an assignment back from my English teacher this week and it made me realize how big that passion is inside of me...

"I have always appreciated the power of your written words and your passionate responses to the issues that confront our society. That definitely did not change as I read this piece from you! Your citations are accurately formatted and your summaries are carefully woven within your thoughts. Keep it up!"

Maybe I post too much about my daily struggles. Maybe I take too many selfies. Maybe I'm overly excited to share what's on my heart. Maybe, maybe, maybe... So what? This space was created for me to share me. That doesn't make me any more important than anyone else, but rather it's simply something that makes me the girl I am.

The power of words is absolutely ridiculous. I want to remember that sheer, oh-so-important fact every.single.day.


When Life Happens, Buy A $40 Blazer

what I'm wearing...
scarf // Vanity // blazer // Vanity // top // Posh Love // jeans // Kohl's // flats // Target

SO WHAT... If I spent $40 on this adorable blazer and don't regret it at all. Retail therapy is an ugly friend to have around... But it's so much fun.

SO WHAT... If I'm obsessed with pattern mixing lately. I love that I've become more daring with my outfit combinations!

SO WHAT... If I ate an entire package of Girl Scout cookies when I got home from work last night.  Some days, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

SO WHAT... If my hair looks ombre'd in this pictures... And it's not. At all. I pinky promise I have a hair appointment on Saturday.

SO WHAT... If I've been looking forward to this weekend since last weekend. Shopping with my Grandma and homecoming coronation is going to be so much fun!

SO WHAT... If I'm totally not going to ace tomorrow's Medical Terminology quiz. Life happens and a B or C is just going to have to cut it this time.

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up + Life After I "Dew"!


...And I Have Autoimmune Arthritis

This weekend, I filled out a bunch of job applications after working a 26 hour shift at a job I absolutely adore. I'm applying to different jobs because I simply cannot handle the lifting and physical strength that my current job requires... Because of my autoimmune arthritis.

I work in an assisted living home for young adults with disabilities. I'm attached to the clients. My coworkers are more like sisters to me. I don't want to leave. I don't want to move on. The bottom line is: even though I'm always saying how I don't LET my arthritis define me, at the end of the day, it has inevitably changed every aspect of my life... And it has done so without my approval. The only reason I see this uncontrollable disease as a blessing is because I've learned to control my attitude. I know that's possible, and in turn, it gives me a purpose. However, it's still a daily burden that Jesus has asked me to carry.

It's been a really, really hard transition into even throwing around the idea of a new job. I'm not someone who is fond of change, but after praying myself through it, I'm learning to accept that there might be another place I'm being called to. Another place that would be a better fit for the season of life I'm in right now.

The biggest struggle for me, though, is simply reminding myself that I'm still Kenzie... And I have autoimmune arthritis.

I'm strong, determined, and driven... And I have autoimmune arthritis.

I'm energetic, light-hearted, and lively... And I have autoimmune arthritis.

I'm a teenage girl and I can do fun things with my friends... And I have autoimmune arthritis.

Some morning's, I literally have to give myself a peptalk that reminds me of that fact. As long as I keep "...And I have autoimmune arthritis." as an AND while seeing it as a purpose, my life is going to be filled with a lot of really positive, purposeful things... Even if I'm unsure of what those things are in this moment. Because ultimately? My circumstances come down to one thing...

I have Jesus... And I have autoimmune arthritis.

{ALL photo credit to Jen Lessinger Photography}

God's working, changing, and molding everything into perfection. Trusting Him to provide as He ALWAYS does.


10 Things That Rock About Being A Woman

I had no post ideas for today, so I pulled a random list from the drafts that I've had saved for awhile. Not gonna lie, I'm cracking myself up reading this and I'm a little ashamed that this has what Monday posts have come to... But it's all good. ;)

(Enjoy that unnecessary picture of me acting like a crazy person...)

one || Our period is the perfect excuse to indulge in things like chocolate, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, and cookie dough. Oh, and chocolate.

two ||We can change our hair color as often as we change our underwear. Or something like that. Word.

three |Pedicures. I think I would die if I didn't have that privilege! First world problems, anyone?

four || We can travel to the bathroom in groups and no one *really* bothers to question it. YES, we NEED the moral support.

five || Yoga pants and leggings... Boys don't get that luxury, ladies. OH NO!

six || We're always right and we know it... And even when we're wrong, we're still right. Make sense?

seven || We can glitterize everything and anything we want to in 10 seconds flat. That's talent!

eight || Oh, scarves. (You didn't think I would leave them out, did you?) They can fix a bad hair day or a boring outfit lickity split!

nine || In blog land, we're the majority. We kind run the show here in the interwebs!

ten |Did I mention using my period to eat chocolate in this post? 

What do you love about being a woman?


The Person I've Become In 18 Years


I don't have anything else to say other than it's going to be the best day ever! Birthday's are special and so much fun. Celebrating what a blessing someone is has always been one of my favorite things in this life. It's wonderful to feel appreciated!

I asked my best bloggy friends to send me what they like or admire best/most about me. We all make a difference in this world because of the person that we are... And I wanted to find out just what kind of person I've become in 18 years!

{Note the ice cream instead of a cupcake... Ah, #glutenfreeprobs!} ;)

The thing I love most about Kenzie is her positivity and overwhelming love for life. Turning to negativity in hardships is so common, but not for Ms. K. I have found a friend, sister, and Minnesotan soulmate in Kenzie, and I am so incredibly glad I have. She has taught me so much about passion, positivity, and strength. For that I will be forever grateful. Happy Beautiful lady, may you feel as special as we all know you are!
-Hallie, Life:Oceanside

I admire Kenzie's positive outlook & passion for life.  She could have the most crappy/painful day, but yet she still has something wonderful to say about it!  It's simply amazing, & I look up to her for that!
-Pamela, Pamela's Place

Kenzie is one of the sweetest, most spiritual, caring girls I've ever come across. When I found out that she's still in high school, I about fell out of my chair. She's a shining example of God's love to not only me, but to anyone she comes into contact with. She also has the greatest smile! 
-Megan, 5280 Running Mommy

I admire Kenzie's beauty, inside and out. How grown up and mature she is for her age. Her outlook on life, and her constant smile through all the pain she's been through. She has such a kind heart and it has been my pleasure to have gotten to know her through blogging. Happy Birthday love!
-Becky, From Mrs To Mama

There are so, so very many things I adore about sweet Kenzie. Her strength, faith and positive attitude are inspiring to me. She reminds me daily that Our God is bigger and with him we can get through anything! Through every situation she finds a way to Glorify God and that just speaks volumes to my heart and soul.
-Crystal, Next To Heaven

Happy Birthday Kenz! You sure do deserve to have a great one! I love how positive Kenzie is about everything. She never lets her JA get her down and she always have a smile on her face. She also always have time for others, even when she's feeling lousy. I think that's something we should all strive for!
-Paige, A Dose Of Paige

What I admire most about Kenzie is her TENACITY - she won't give up physically, mentally, or spiritually, even long after others would have sent out the invites for a pity party. I believe firmly that she is one of the most Spirit-led people I've "met," and God must be so very pleased with her. She may be half my age, but I deeply admire her; if there were more Kenzie's in this world, it would definitely be a better place.
-Gina, Namaste By Day

No matter what hurdles Kenzie faces, she does it with a positive mental attitude.  I think back to when I was her age and there is no way I had even an ounce of the maturity and wisdom and positivity that Kenzie has. It amazes me when I remind myself that she's only a mere 18 years old! Watch out world - she's going to make a difference!
-Karri, House Of Tubers

Kenzie has been such an inspiration to everyone around her. She seriously is the most mature, fun-loving, kind, helpful, (and cutest, duh) young woman I've ever met. Although I'm older than her, I often turn to her for advice and support and she is ALWAYS there to give it. I can only hope I give off the same type of impression this young lady does... she's AMAZING!
-Samantha, Hooah and Hiccups

I admire Kenzie's unwavering faith, sweet smile and positive outlook. She overcomes the hurdles in her life with such grace for a girl her age and it's really contagious. She is so grounded in her faith and can always fall back on that to bring her hope! She is the BEST! 
-Nikki, The Pink Growl

The word that comes to mind first when I think of Kenzie is: Faithful. She impresses me with her positivity, courage, strength, beauty and most of all, her unwavering faith. Kenz has has her share of struggles, but she doesn't' let them define her, rather, she let's them shape her into the wonderful person she's become. And I believe that it's her incredible faith in God that allows her to be a shining star in this world, and a true inspiration!

When I think of my bestie Kenzie a few things come to mind... She is God-driven, strong, HILARIOUS, gorgeous, a total fashionista, smart, cray cray, and my best friend! Happy birthday girl! I love you! 
- Amy, my real life bestie. :)

Kenzie makes people who don't even know her in real life wish that she lived right next door... Especially to nanny their littles. ;) She is a fighter and she never lets things get the best of her. Too many admirable qualities to list, sweet Kenzie!

Kenzie is so wise beyond her years. Her love for God and positivity are my favorite! She is truly a remarkable young lady who has her head on her shoulders and her feet on the ground. You will do great things, Kenzie!

Kenzie's sass, spirit, tenacity, and determination are admirable. She's a beautiful person inside and out. I admire her ability to be so strong for everyone and let others be strong for her. I admire how she ALWAYS manages to respond to everyone and never leaves anyone feeling left out. I also love her lovely, outgoing heart! I love you to pieces, sweet Kenz!
-Chrissy, Let Me See You Sparkle

Any stranger can see Kenzie's strength through her battle to remain positive. She has every excuse to be negative, but I adore her because she does the best to make her life the best she can. Rock on, Kenzie! You're a sweet thang!

I love that Kenzie is a fighter. I think that when life hands us hard times, we can choose to be a victim or we can choose to fight. Kenzie never lets her health be an excuse to give up. She chooses to fight and live a full life when others would choose to give up or complain!
-Amy, Brady Bands

Kenzie's ability to ALWAYS be positive no matter how hard things are is admirable. She is beautiful on the inside and out. I am positive her parents are so incredibly proud of her!

Kenzie has a ridiciulously positive outlook on life! Her smile shines through every one of her posts and it makes me smile! Kenzie has a zest for life and tries to see the best in absolutely everything. It's a beautiful quality to have such a positive outlook on things!

Kenzie's positivity and general incredible sweetness is admirable. :) And, how stinkin' mature she is! I feel like she's my age (that sounds insulting, but it's a compliment!) and I constantly forget that I'm a grandma compared to her! Haha! I wish I had half the maturity she does back when I was her age. Or heck, even when I was 25! She's amazing!
-Heather, Cookies For Breakfast

Kenzie's drive to accomplish what she's told she cannot do is amazing. She really is an inspiration to people of all ages - not just young girls! That's a great accomplishment!

I love Kenzie's smile in spite of her less than perfect circumstances. She's a fighter!

Happy Birthday Pretty Girl! Hope it's as spectacular as you are! Kenz is an inspiration and she has touched so many lives with herr infectious smile, courageous story and an attitude that will change the world. Just be you, Kenz!
-Heidi, @BelleHeids 

I feel so loved today! The next year is going to bring so many wonderful blessings and opportunities. I have every intention of continuing to fight and I also believe this will be the year my arthritis goes into remission! Praise Jesus for bringing me this far. :) Don't think He'll be leaving anytime soon!


So What If I'm Smiling About Everything

What Kenz Is Wearing...
necklace // Molly Suzanne // scarf // Kohl's // shirt // shop my closet on IG // jeans // American Eagle // boots // Blowfish

SO WHAT... If I'm totally wearing plaid with more plaid in these pictures. It's fall, and fall calls for plaid!

SO WHAT... If I've been counting down the days til my birthday for over a month now. We're down to ONE!

SO WHAT... If I'm working a 26 hour shift at work this weekend. You can call me crazy, but not a ton of people can say they love their job that much.

SO WHAT... If I got nominated to be on the homecoming court and I have to find a dress in less than a week. Holy crap, I need to stop procrastinating!

SO WHAT... If Bloggy Boot Camp is officially in less than and month and I can't shut up about it. It's seriously going to be the best experience ever! I absolutely cannot wait!

SO WHAT... If I'm smiling about everything this week. Life is just good and senior year is off to an amazing start!

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up + Life After I "Dew"!


Little Victories

One of my most favorite <sarcasm font> phrases have always been the ones that start with: "You can't..."

You can't run anymore, Kenzie.
You can't manage two jobs at once, Kenzie.
You can't tell that teacher their behavior is unacceptable, Kenzie.
You can't just drop everything and move out of state, Kenzie.

In all reality, though, it really is one of my favorites. It challenges me and ignites that sassy spirit inside that says, "Oh heyyyyyyyyyy, watch me!"

Well, right after it makes me do the following...

Try to love me through my spazziness, mmk?

I ran on the cross country team in junior high. It was a blast, I loved the team, and I found out that I adore running. Something about feeling like death for a good 30-60 minutes out of your day is just pure awesome. After my diagnosis of autoimmune (juvenile) arthritis, my doctor's put the kabosh on it. 

You can't run anymore, Kenzie.

I respected that suggestion, but also took it with a grain of salt because I knew (and know) that the only person capable of knowing what my body can/can't do is ME.

Starting injections back in August was one of the more painful treatments I've experienced in my battle with autoimmune arthritis this far. Because of side effects and overall fatigue, I listened to my doctor when he suggested no running during the 6-8 weeks of treatment. Meaning at first I did. But when he saw how improved I've gotten since beginning injections, he moved me right along to starting physical therapy again. My physical therapist gave me the go ahead to go for a short run this week (as long as I was feeling up to it.) Meaning I left the clinic and headed to the gym immediately!

I had the goal of getting to one and I knew how hard it'd be, but my little runner's heart wanted to make two. It didn't happen that way, but I know it's going to take time for my body to get used to this again and I'm all about taking things slow. I ran five miles once, and I'm sure I'll be doing it again at some point... All in good time!

Today I'm just focusing on the little victories and trying focus on building from the ground up. Things can only get better and I know these injections are a huge step in reaching my goal of a half marathon in 2014. Adjusting to my "new normal" is still hard... And I was diagnosed with arthritis over two years ago. Learning everyday, remembering what I think of the phrase "you can't" and keeping in mind that good things come to those who wait... :)


My Hero Is 10 Years Younger Than Me

Last November, I wrote this post with a heavy heart. My sweet cousin Tatum was diagnosed with Retnioblastoma - a rare form of eye cancer. Everyone who knows Tatum was absolutely devastated that such a young, beautiful, spunky girl was going to have to fight the nasty monster that is childhood cancer. It suddenly became real for everyone in our family.

You hear about cancer in the news everyday. You hear about it taking the lives of children much too young. You hear about what it destroys, what it hurts. While your heart aches desperately for those families and you pray for them continuously, it doesn't feel real. When that same monster ends up taking over someone you know, love, and need in your life, it suddenly becomes real... And you realize how much more attention those heroes need.

Little Tate found out that she had beat her monster on May 1st, 2013 and I've gotten to see her a lot more since she's been home. We got to have a few play dates this summer and a girls night after her benefit this weekend... And the best part is we got to do all those things together CANCER FREE!

I love this little lady so much. Every single day I am thankful for her life, smile, and beautiful little soul. I have witnessed no greater miracle in this life than her healing and getting the chance to celebrate her life on Saturday was a huge blessing to so many people in our community!

{Me / Tatum / Tatum's mom, Lisa}

Tatum's mom, Lisa, and I have grown close the over the past few years. Despite living hours away, she always takes time to message me on Facebook and ask for an update on my own health and treatment. At Tatum's benefit this weekend, she gave me the biggest hug and took nearly 20 minutes out of her busy schedule to catch up with me and tell me that their family prays for me every night. The faith of this family blows me away!

I got a teary-eyed reading back that post from last November because I remember feeling the exact words I typed:

"The faith this family has in God is incredible and the attitude of their little girl and her big sister really proves that they are living by faith and not by sight. Because of Tatum's attitude, there is a different kind of fight in me. This little girl is changing the way I fight my arthritis. Even when it hurts, even when it's hard. If Tatum can get through this, I can get through the obstacle that's been placed in my life."

I love you so much, Miss Tater Potater... And I'm proud to say that my hero is 10 years younger than me!


On Sponsorship: Do's & Do Not's

Ever since reading this post and writing this one, blog sponsorship has been on my mind and heart. I'm far from a professional on the topic, but the experience I have with it makes me want to advocate for it and share the knowledge I have accumulated. That means today, we're talking about nothing other than the...

one || DO try sponsoring new blogs. It allows you to form new relationships and gain authentic readers. Sometimes, things won't work out exactly as you wanted them to. Maybe the new blog you chose didn't reach your level of expectation or maybe you didn't see any growth... Whatever the reason, don't let it hinder you from sponsoring new blogs in the future. The only thing worse than failure is never trying! Knowing is always better than wondering.

two || DO rotate the blogs you sponsor. If you consecutively sponsor the same blogs over and over again you're going to be reaching the same audience over and over again... Which only makes sense. One of my favorite things to do is to rotate my favorites. One month, I might sponsor Sunny With A Chance of Sprinkles and the next I might sponsor My Three Bittles. The next, I might sponsor Venus Trapped In Mars, and the following I might sponsor A Sorta Fairytale. It works very well because it allows me to spend time on my favorite sidebars, stays within my budget, and gets me NEW exposure.

three || DO contact the blogger you're sponsoring if you need anything during your stay on their sidebar. I have never worked with a sponsor who didn't do absolutely everything they could to make their sponsors' time enjoyable and productive. The blogger you're sponsoring should check in and ask if you need anything, but between the volume of e-mails and real life, that's not always feasible. Be an initiator and make sure you get the most bang for your buck!

four || DO tell your friends about the experience you've had with blogs/bloggers. It's awesome when sponsor's have wonderful time on someone's sidebar and share that with their readers/friends and it's helpful when sponsor's share their less than awesome time on someone's sidebar, too! 

five || DO connect with the bloggers you're sponsoring. Follow them on Twitter, like their blog's page on Facebook. Interact with them and build that relationship back. For example, if you sponsor me, I'm going to be tweeting about you 1-4 times a week. Mentioning you. Sharing you. Reach out and say something or retweet it so I can see that you're being and feeling promoted!

six || DO use Passionfruit to keep your ads organized. While this one is an opinion, I highly, highly recommend it. This site and the hard worker behind it does all the dirty work a blogger could ask for! Things stay organized and blog sponsorship becomes a lot simpler once you take advantage of the awesomeness that is Passionfruit.

seven || DO NOT forget to respond to e-mails from the bloggers you're sponsoring. Get them the information/details they need from you so that they can do their very best to promote you, your posts, and your blog in general. No material to work with = no promotion... Remember that!

eight |DO NOT forget to look for discount codes when purchasing an ad. If you can't find it anywhere on the advertising page, tweet the blogger! There are discount codes to take advantage of often and I don't know anyone who doesn't like to save a few dollars!

nine || DO NOT forget to post regularly. This post explains that point more clearly, but I just wanted to restate that here. The blogs you sponsor cannot promote anything if you don't come up with fresh content. This doesn't mean you have to blog every.single.day. or make your life revolve around giving them fresh things to work with, but remember that it's your responsibility to be putting content out there and when you do, you tend to get the most for your time and money!

ten |DO NOT forget to set a budget for yourself/your blog... And stick to it. Blog sponsorship gets stressful when you forget to be realistic about it. I tend to spend around $30-$50 a month on sponsorship and don't like it to go above that. Giving myself a budget makes my decision to sponsor blogs much, much more meaningful because I can only choose so many. It can be hard to stick to it, but in the long run, it's for the very best!

Click on over to my advertising page HERE and use the code BDAYCOUNTDOWN for 50% off your space!

What "Do's" and "Do Not's" do you follow when it comes to blog sponsorship?


Mean-Muggin', Mirror-Stealing, Natural-Light-Appreciating Selfie Taker

When you're a blogger, you pick up these really strange, crazed habits. I notice them the most when I'm alone doing one of them, but I've even had my friends and family poke fun at my bloggerish habits. What do I mean by this?

Snapping photos of my Chipotle from artistic angles.
Buying something solely because I saw it on Instagram.
Referring to my online friends as their blog name.

My most important belief, though?

A good outfit means nothing without #OOTD pictures to prove it.

And of course I have to practice what I'm preaching!

glasses // NEW // necklace // Molly Suzanne // shirt // Kiki La'rue // jeans // Kohl's // sandals // Target

Afterschool on Monday, I totally stole my sisters full lengths mirror, hung it on the front door, and used the entry way to snap pictures of my #OOTD because the natural lighting was way too fabulous to pass up.

And, so, I guess that's when you know.

I'm a mean-muggin', mirror-stealing, natural-light-appreciating selfie taker. And I'm proud of it.

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up.


5 Things I Can't Explain About Myself

I'm like the queen of crazy ideas. While I would very much consider myself a realist, I've always been quite the dreamer too. I dream huge, out-of the box, crazy dreams that make people shake their heads and ask, "why?" For some strange reason, I get a kick out of the reaction and it only makes me want to accomplish that goal even more... Just so I can say, "told ya so!" Is that mean?

In other words, I don't care if it is. Thank you, Dwight.

The whole "dream big" quality I possess got me to thinking about the "want's" I have in life. The more I thought about it, the more I realized there are just some dreams I can't explain. Thus, I present...

(Add that picture to the list of things I can't explain... HAHA!)

one || I want five kids. Like, what?! Whenever people ask me, my sanity wants to say, "oh ya know, maybe two. Two's a good number." But my heart is like, "FIVE, KENZ. YOU WANT FIVE." Weird. (Especially since I'm single and no where near that stage in my life.) But I like to think it's something God's preparing me for!

two || Deep, deep down I want to be a surgeon. My Aunt Mabel was a doctor her whole life and listening to her stories and experiences when she was still here would leave me thinking for days. The hard work ethic and passion she had for her career was unlike anything else. I want that passion for my own life and career. It's just a shame I can't pass chemistry or basic math with anything higher than a C average!

three || I desperately want to master playing the piano. I think it'd be incredible to help lead worship at my church, play piano lullabies to my kids one day, and put my words into song... But I'm honestly musically challenged. Music notes confuse me and make me want to bang my head into a brick wall. Seriously... I wish I was kidding!

four |I want to write a book about my life. One detailing literally every struggle I've faced with my arthritis, depression, family, friends, faith, etc. Everything. Not because I think my life is any more interesting than anyone else's, not because I want to throw a pity party and, not because I want to be sitting on the shelves of Barnes and Noble (though that would be PRETTY cool!). But simply because I believe we all have a story and God put us here to tell it. And even more than that, I believe we all have the opportunity to change someone's life through making the decision to share it.

five || I want to go to college out-of-state. I know every teen on the planet says they want to get away from home and make a name for themselves elsewhere... But I actually believe I'll do it. I'm applying in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas as of now because I feel like there's something for me elsewhere. Always a Minnesota girl at heart, but following where God takes me will be a fun ride!

What dreams/wants/wishes do you have that you just can't explain?


Stitch Fix Review Numero Dos

Back in August, I scheduled my first Stitch Fix and knew I was ready for more immediately. I scheduled my next fix to arrive on the very first day of class, but because of Labor day, shipping got a little funky and it arrived a few days late. Nonetheless, it made my week and did NOT disappoint!

I didn't understand how the whole thing worked at first, but now that I get "fixed" regularly  I feel like I'm a pro! Basically, you sign up, fill out your style profile, and schedule your first fix for a flat rate of $20. Your stylist picks out things she thinks you'd totally ROCK and it arrives at your doorstep when you want it to. From there, you try everything on and decide what you'd like to keep. You login to your account on their website, choose the things you wish to purchase, and send the rest of the items back in a prepaid shipping envelope they send along. The best part? The $20 flat rate you originally paid can be put towards whatever you purchase!

This month, I asked my stylist Jackie to give me pieces that screamed FALL. I wanted dark, neturals that would look great with denim and boots. She hit the nail on the head as my stylists always do!

1.) Lace Detail Top ($48)

When I pulled this item out of the box, I thought it would be my favorite for sure. After trying it on, though, I didn't like how short it was in front. If it'd been a little longer, I definitely would have kept it because it looked fabulous with my favorite mustard skinny jeans! Uh, hello fall!

2.) Elephant Print Top ($48)

All I could think about when I first saw this top is how many pairs of colored skinnies I could wear with it. I wasn't 100% sold on the elephant print, but it grew on me after falling in love with the style. I would have kept this one if it wasn't so baggy. I like my tops flowy, but this one was just a little too much! Again, does this top not scream fall?!

3.) Neutral Statement Necklace ($38)

Everything about this necklace is beyond perfection. The neutral colors, pop of bling, and chain links make it the perfect addition for fall, but I cannot fathom paying $38 for a necklace, even with my credit. I'd be willing to bet 95% of my jewelry at home is from Forever 21 or Target clearance... It's one of those things I just can't stomach spending a chunk of change on! Still love this piece though! Just isn't for me. :)

4.) Basic Blue Cardigan ($38)

I'm a cardigan junkie and actually have one nearly identical to this color, so it wasn't a necessity to purchase this one, too. It was incredibly soft, though, and I was almost sold... Until I tried on the next item!

5.) Owl Print Belted Shirt Dress ($48)

Truthfully, when I saw this in the box I said, "NO. No, no, no." I liked the owl print, but the style didn't look flattering and the sleeves looked bulky. I tried it on last for a reason... And then I fell in love with it! HA! The colors are perfect for fall and I'm actually wearing it today with a pair of boots! I love that Jackie sent me this dress because it's totally not something I'd pick out for myself. Ever. But I went out on a whim, tried it on, and ended up keeping it! You win, Stitch Fix!

I think I'm going to schedule another fix in the next couple of weeks so I can keep accumulating fall pieces! My stylists are drop dead awesome and I know they won't disappoint!

What would you have kept?!

If you decide to sign up, click right here! Help a girl out and get her a credit for referrals! Pretty please with a cherry on top... :)


Transitioning To Fall

This week is full of crazy transitions over here! I'm already exhausted and it's Wednesday. Class has officially started again, I'm a big-bad senior, and well... Fall is officially on its way. That means cardigans, boots, sweaters, and scarves... Also known as my favorite things, but y'all already knew that because of the awesome fall giveaway that went live yesterday! Wait, you entered, right? ;)

Anyhow, I've been forced to pull out the cardigans since our mornings have been so chilly! I'm not arguing, though. Praise Jesus for taking away that humidity!

Necklace // Francesca's Collections // Cardigan // thrifted // Tank // Wal-Mart // Shorts // thrifted {Michael Kors} // Shoes // Target

Alrighty then... I'm off to change the world, frolick around in the 70 degree weather, and/or be an emotional wreck because of stupid injections today. HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up.