
10 Things That Rock About Being A Woman

I had no post ideas for today, so I pulled a random list from the drafts that I've had saved for awhile. Not gonna lie, I'm cracking myself up reading this and I'm a little ashamed that this has what Monday posts have come to... But it's all good. ;)

(Enjoy that unnecessary picture of me acting like a crazy person...)

one || Our period is the perfect excuse to indulge in things like chocolate, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, and cookie dough. Oh, and chocolate.

two ||We can change our hair color as often as we change our underwear. Or something like that. Word.

three |Pedicures. I think I would die if I didn't have that privilege! First world problems, anyone?

four || We can travel to the bathroom in groups and no one *really* bothers to question it. YES, we NEED the moral support.

five || Yoga pants and leggings... Boys don't get that luxury, ladies. OH NO!

six || We're always right and we know it... And even when we're wrong, we're still right. Make sense?

seven || We can glitterize everything and anything we want to in 10 seconds flat. That's talent!

eight || Oh, scarves. (You didn't think I would leave them out, did you?) They can fix a bad hair day or a boring outfit lickity split!

nine || In blog land, we're the majority. We kind run the show here in the interwebs!

ten |Did I mention using my period to eat chocolate in this post? 

What do you love about being a woman?



Kenz, you are so cute! This post just makes me smile! Thanks for that on this dreary Monday morning. :)


Painting nails is a pretty sweet privilege!


Chocolate is good...and seriously. I feel bad for all the men who are too "manly" to get a good foot massage every once in a while. :)


haha love this! SO true!!!


Love these! Definitely a positive way to look at our monthly visitor. :) I would add getting to wear jewelry to the list! (although I guess men could wear statement necklaces too, huh?)


This post is perfect!! Actually made me turn my frown about it being Monday to a smile! Thankful to be a girl for sure lady haha!


Oh how I love this post! Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! ;)


Haha! This was so cute! I completely agree about the chocolate though... That's a definite highlight...

xoxo, Lizzy


yes on the glittering everything. Glitter is my favorite color!
ps thanks for sponsoring me! Glad I found your blog through it ;)


I'm surprised I don't gain 20 lbs each month during that time, because I eat chocolate and pretty much everything else like it's going out of style.


Haha, these are all great reasons!!!!! Especially leggings and yoga pants and pedicures... HECK YES! Although some days I hate taking time to get ready, I LOVE being able to play with different looks with makeup!


Yes. Yes, I agree with everything you just said. To the nth degree. And I pretty much wear leggings every day.

Bless you for the reminder. :)


Such a cute post Kenz! I love it and agree with every single one of them!


Just ate ice cream and totally justified it thanks to my monthly friend. OH and i'm living in leggins this week too, I see nothing wrong with that.


I have Boobies...;)


And even more CHOCOLATE!!

Love this!


Along with yoga pants and leggings, I have to add dresses and skirts to the mix! I love wearing those more than pants most times! Also, the fun makeup we get to experiment with, jewelry/accessories, and I don't know where I'd be if I couldn't carry a purse around without looking like a who knows what!


You hit every reason I can think of in this one post! One of my favorite reasons is that we can read romance novels and no one thinks twice about it. If a guy was seen reading one people would side eye and talk about it in an instant!


Sometimes it really rocks being a girl...but stinks at the same time...Especially when you don't like chocolate. :( Believe me...it sucks!


Couldn't have said it better!! SERIOUSLY - chocolate!!!! lol