
The Person I've Become In 18 Years


I don't have anything else to say other than it's going to be the best day ever! Birthday's are special and so much fun. Celebrating what a blessing someone is has always been one of my favorite things in this life. It's wonderful to feel appreciated!

I asked my best bloggy friends to send me what they like or admire best/most about me. We all make a difference in this world because of the person that we are... And I wanted to find out just what kind of person I've become in 18 years!

{Note the ice cream instead of a cupcake... Ah, #glutenfreeprobs!} ;)

The thing I love most about Kenzie is her positivity and overwhelming love for life. Turning to negativity in hardships is so common, but not for Ms. K. I have found a friend, sister, and Minnesotan soulmate in Kenzie, and I am so incredibly glad I have. She has taught me so much about passion, positivity, and strength. For that I will be forever grateful. Happy Beautiful lady, may you feel as special as we all know you are!
-Hallie, Life:Oceanside

I admire Kenzie's positive outlook & passion for life.  She could have the most crappy/painful day, but yet she still has something wonderful to say about it!  It's simply amazing, & I look up to her for that!
-Pamela, Pamela's Place

Kenzie is one of the sweetest, most spiritual, caring girls I've ever come across. When I found out that she's still in high school, I about fell out of my chair. She's a shining example of God's love to not only me, but to anyone she comes into contact with. She also has the greatest smile! 
-Megan, 5280 Running Mommy

I admire Kenzie's beauty, inside and out. How grown up and mature she is for her age. Her outlook on life, and her constant smile through all the pain she's been through. She has such a kind heart and it has been my pleasure to have gotten to know her through blogging. Happy Birthday love!
-Becky, From Mrs To Mama

There are so, so very many things I adore about sweet Kenzie. Her strength, faith and positive attitude are inspiring to me. She reminds me daily that Our God is bigger and with him we can get through anything! Through every situation she finds a way to Glorify God and that just speaks volumes to my heart and soul.
-Crystal, Next To Heaven

Happy Birthday Kenz! You sure do deserve to have a great one! I love how positive Kenzie is about everything. She never lets her JA get her down and she always have a smile on her face. She also always have time for others, even when she's feeling lousy. I think that's something we should all strive for!
-Paige, A Dose Of Paige

What I admire most about Kenzie is her TENACITY - she won't give up physically, mentally, or spiritually, even long after others would have sent out the invites for a pity party. I believe firmly that she is one of the most Spirit-led people I've "met," and God must be so very pleased with her. She may be half my age, but I deeply admire her; if there were more Kenzie's in this world, it would definitely be a better place.
-Gina, Namaste By Day

No matter what hurdles Kenzie faces, she does it with a positive mental attitude.  I think back to when I was her age and there is no way I had even an ounce of the maturity and wisdom and positivity that Kenzie has. It amazes me when I remind myself that she's only a mere 18 years old! Watch out world - she's going to make a difference!
-Karri, House Of Tubers

Kenzie has been such an inspiration to everyone around her. She seriously is the most mature, fun-loving, kind, helpful, (and cutest, duh) young woman I've ever met. Although I'm older than her, I often turn to her for advice and support and she is ALWAYS there to give it. I can only hope I give off the same type of impression this young lady does... she's AMAZING!
-Samantha, Hooah and Hiccups

I admire Kenzie's unwavering faith, sweet smile and positive outlook. She overcomes the hurdles in her life with such grace for a girl her age and it's really contagious. She is so grounded in her faith and can always fall back on that to bring her hope! She is the BEST! 
-Nikki, The Pink Growl

The word that comes to mind first when I think of Kenzie is: Faithful. She impresses me with her positivity, courage, strength, beauty and most of all, her unwavering faith. Kenz has has her share of struggles, but she doesn't' let them define her, rather, she let's them shape her into the wonderful person she's become. And I believe that it's her incredible faith in God that allows her to be a shining star in this world, and a true inspiration!

When I think of my bestie Kenzie a few things come to mind... She is God-driven, strong, HILARIOUS, gorgeous, a total fashionista, smart, cray cray, and my best friend! Happy birthday girl! I love you! 
- Amy, my real life bestie. :)

Kenzie makes people who don't even know her in real life wish that she lived right next door... Especially to nanny their littles. ;) She is a fighter and she never lets things get the best of her. Too many admirable qualities to list, sweet Kenzie!

Kenzie is so wise beyond her years. Her love for God and positivity are my favorite! She is truly a remarkable young lady who has her head on her shoulders and her feet on the ground. You will do great things, Kenzie!

Kenzie's sass, spirit, tenacity, and determination are admirable. She's a beautiful person inside and out. I admire her ability to be so strong for everyone and let others be strong for her. I admire how she ALWAYS manages to respond to everyone and never leaves anyone feeling left out. I also love her lovely, outgoing heart! I love you to pieces, sweet Kenz!
-Chrissy, Let Me See You Sparkle

Any stranger can see Kenzie's strength through her battle to remain positive. She has every excuse to be negative, but I adore her because she does the best to make her life the best she can. Rock on, Kenzie! You're a sweet thang!

I love that Kenzie is a fighter. I think that when life hands us hard times, we can choose to be a victim or we can choose to fight. Kenzie never lets her health be an excuse to give up. She chooses to fight and live a full life when others would choose to give up or complain!
-Amy, Brady Bands

Kenzie's ability to ALWAYS be positive no matter how hard things are is admirable. She is beautiful on the inside and out. I am positive her parents are so incredibly proud of her!

Kenzie has a ridiciulously positive outlook on life! Her smile shines through every one of her posts and it makes me smile! Kenzie has a zest for life and tries to see the best in absolutely everything. It's a beautiful quality to have such a positive outlook on things!

Kenzie's positivity and general incredible sweetness is admirable. :) And, how stinkin' mature she is! I feel like she's my age (that sounds insulting, but it's a compliment!) and I constantly forget that I'm a grandma compared to her! Haha! I wish I had half the maturity she does back when I was her age. Or heck, even when I was 25! She's amazing!
-Heather, Cookies For Breakfast

Kenzie's drive to accomplish what she's told she cannot do is amazing. She really is an inspiration to people of all ages - not just young girls! That's a great accomplishment!

I love Kenzie's smile in spite of her less than perfect circumstances. She's a fighter!

Happy Birthday Pretty Girl! Hope it's as spectacular as you are! Kenz is an inspiration and she has touched so many lives with herr infectious smile, courageous story and an attitude that will change the world. Just be you, Kenz!
-Heidi, @BelleHeids 

I feel so loved today! The next year is going to bring so many wonderful blessings and opportunities. I have every intention of continuing to fight and I also believe this will be the year my arthritis goes into remission! Praise Jesus for bringing me this far. :) Don't think He'll be leaving anytime soon!



I love this! All these comments are so very true! I hope you have a wonderful birthday beautiful!


Happy Birthday, sweet girl!!


Happy happy birthday, sweet girl! I hope its amazing :)


Awww I feel so special ;) Happy birthday, gorgeous!!


Happy Birthday!!!!


Hopped over after seeing you had left a comment on my blog- this was such a sweet idea!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL GIRL!! :) What a fantastic way to celebrate by surrounding yourself with so much love and uplifting comments. I've hardly read anything else about you but its so obvious what a special soul you are. Couldn't be happier you found my blog and I now in turn found yours. I'm honestly thrilled to start looking around and learning more. Enjoy your day! :)
By the Seat of My Shorts


I just absolutely LOVE this post!!!!!!!! I hope you have the best day celebrating you and all that you are. You mean the world to people and you are such a testament and inspiration to everyone around you. Love you dearly, friend!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday gorgeous! I love this post - you are such an amazing and wonderful girl (:


happy birthday, Kenzie! I hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year! (:


I suck at replying to emails. *sigh*.
So here's mine:

Kenzie is just amazing beyond her years! This girl truly inspires me to try harder to be patient, to smile and to just be a better person. Through all of her struggles and tears, she just NEVER gives up and always has a smile on her face! She's just so positive! Just talking to her puts a smile on my face! Kenzie is the kind of person that I truly just want to be friends with online and in real life! I just adore her more than words can even say!

Happy birthday pretty girl!! <3 <3


Happy birthday! Keep inspiring us all!!! :)


Such a great idea!! You are the cutest! Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday Love! Hope you have the best day ever! xo


You are such a precious soul sweet Kenzie! Happy Birthday! :)


How incredibly sweet! Happy Birthday girl!


Look at all that love! Happy Birthday Kenzie!


Happy Birthday pretty lady!!


I could NOT have said it better! Happy Birthday Kenzie! Enjoy your day doing something you love. :)


Happy, happy Birthday, girl!


Happy Birthday, girl! I agree with every single one of these things about you as well as many more! You're leaving your mark on this world and it's only a positive one. :) We can all learn a quite a bit from you. 3 weeks!!!


Happy birthday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am honored to be part of your blog today! {{Hugs}} I hope you're having the best day ever! <3 Megan


Happy Birthday, Kenzie!!


Happy birthday!! You are very loved!


Ah Happy birthday!! What an amazing post, you should totally come back to this any time you are having a bad day!


Happy bday you wonderful woman!
Our Fairy Tale


I couldn't agree more with every single one of these! You are a true gem and I just adore you! I hope your birthday was the best yet!!!
