
Little Victories

One of my most favorite <sarcasm font> phrases have always been the ones that start with: "You can't..."

You can't run anymore, Kenzie.
You can't manage two jobs at once, Kenzie.
You can't tell that teacher their behavior is unacceptable, Kenzie.
You can't just drop everything and move out of state, Kenzie.

In all reality, though, it really is one of my favorites. It challenges me and ignites that sassy spirit inside that says, "Oh heyyyyyyyyyy, watch me!"

Well, right after it makes me do the following...

Try to love me through my spazziness, mmk?

I ran on the cross country team in junior high. It was a blast, I loved the team, and I found out that I adore running. Something about feeling like death for a good 30-60 minutes out of your day is just pure awesome. After my diagnosis of autoimmune (juvenile) arthritis, my doctor's put the kabosh on it. 

You can't run anymore, Kenzie.

I respected that suggestion, but also took it with a grain of salt because I knew (and know) that the only person capable of knowing what my body can/can't do is ME.

Starting injections back in August was one of the more painful treatments I've experienced in my battle with autoimmune arthritis this far. Because of side effects and overall fatigue, I listened to my doctor when he suggested no running during the 6-8 weeks of treatment. Meaning at first I did. But when he saw how improved I've gotten since beginning injections, he moved me right along to starting physical therapy again. My physical therapist gave me the go ahead to go for a short run this week (as long as I was feeling up to it.) Meaning I left the clinic and headed to the gym immediately!

I had the goal of getting to one and I knew how hard it'd be, but my little runner's heart wanted to make two. It didn't happen that way, but I know it's going to take time for my body to get used to this again and I'm all about taking things slow. I ran five miles once, and I'm sure I'll be doing it again at some point... All in good time!

Today I'm just focusing on the little victories and trying focus on building from the ground up. Things can only get better and I know these injections are a huge step in reaching my goal of a half marathon in 2014. Adjusting to my "new normal" is still hard... And I was diagnosed with arthritis over two years ago. Learning everyday, remembering what I think of the phrase "you can't" and keeping in mind that good things come to those who wait... :)



Good for you lady...you have such a great attitude!


YOU GOT THIS KENZ!!! Proud of you!


Sometimes the little victories are better than the bigger victories. :)


You've got this! And you CAN do this! You seriously inspire me so much!!


"You can't..." has always been the best motivator for me as well. Being a rebel is fun. Being a rebel and proving something positive is even more fun! I know you'll be running longer distances again before you know it!


Hey, you made it over one! Throw yourself a party for that alone! Because making it over one is making it past STep One... and next up is Step Two!

I have the same response to "you can't". THe minute someone tells me what I can't do is the minute I start trying to prove them wrong.


I saw this on either facebook or Insta last night and I got all giddy for you & my mom was like Meghan settle! & I'm like Mom! You don't understand, KENZIE JUST RAN A MILE AND OH MY GOSH I'M SO HAPPY FOR HER!" & she was all like ... and she was the same way when we were at Target and I saw the 1D freezie pops. #bloggerproblems. All of this to say, I'm so happy that you got to run!


You're so strong! Some people would use the arthritis as an excuse and become sedentary. Not Kenzie! Yay for you! xoxo


Way to go chica! you prove those doctors wrong :)


Yay for a mile!!! Great job!


I am so proud of you and the amazing attitude you have kept through all of this! You own that one mile Kenz :D


I can't believe just how optimistic you are! You are amazing!
Our Fairy Tale


Way to take them as challenges! It is such a good feeling when the doctor says that you can run again even if it is only for a mile (I know from experience).


I'm that silly person exploring your blog on my lunch break because duh. That Dwight gif has me in stitches and ready to do my PT when I get home tonight :)