
The Power Of Words

Too often, I lose sight of what I've always wanted this little ole' blog to be. I forget that it's not about the pressure to post daily, it's not about the follower count, and it's not about being scared of what my readers will think.

I've always wanted it to be a place where I can document while grieving and growing as a person. I've always wanted it to be a place that impacts the one person who needed to hear what God put on my heart that day.

Last night, I realized that I want all of those things for my writing in general. It doesn't matter if I type it here, make it the caption on one of my Instagram pictures, post a Facebook status, or submit an assignment for school... I want the power in my words to be a positive one.

All words leave an impact. The things we say stick with the people we say them to forever. It might sound a little crazy, but as a blogger, I don't believe that actions speak louder than words. In fact, I believe that the process of putting feelings into words is the most beautiful thing there is in this life. I know that sounds like some dramatic over-exaggeration... But to me, it's the definition of passion.

I got an assignment back from my English teacher this week and it made me realize how big that passion is inside of me...

"I have always appreciated the power of your written words and your passionate responses to the issues that confront our society. That definitely did not change as I read this piece from you! Your citations are accurately formatted and your summaries are carefully woven within your thoughts. Keep it up!"

Maybe I post too much about my daily struggles. Maybe I take too many selfies. Maybe I'm overly excited to share what's on my heart. Maybe, maybe, maybe... So what? This space was created for me to share me. That doesn't make me any more important than anyone else, but rather it's simply something that makes me the girl I am.

The power of words is absolutely ridiculous. I want to remember that sheer, oh-so-important fact every.single.day.



The power of your words is amazing! Whether you are sharing your struggles, your joys, God's word, or just your goofy thoughts at times... I love them all and look forward to reading them daily!!


I often lose sight of this too. I love how we both keep it real on the blogs though -good and bad days, we just tell it like it is. That's important and it matters and it can help people! :)


AMEN! :)


Thanks so much for today's post. As a new blogger I struggle with this a lot. I want to keep my words authentic and be me because that is why I started my blog. But it is hard to that while caring about traffic, comments, etc. We need to strike a balance between the two and from what I have read I think you do that very well.


What a great reminder this was. I struggle a lot of times with finding words to express what I'm feeling.. I keep thinking that if I practice it more through writing, maybe it will come more easily to me when I'm speaking. And that I will be able to speak with honesty, passion, and love to everyone, even when I am upset or frustrated.

heatherdawkins1973 said...

Love this,Kenz. Transparency is good. You shine Jesus. Love you!


this is exactly what I love about your blog, the honesty and transparency. sometimes it's nice to know that I'm not the only one that struggles sometimes and I need that reminder to turn to God. you are beautiful girl, keep making this place just the way you want it. we'll stick around :-P


Hey, love! Just discovered your blog (I'm on a mad hunt for new reading material 'round the web!) I think this is something any blogger struggles with. It's so essential to stick to the true, authentic, wisest you and have your purpose in mind at all times.

I recently took a step away from the blog world and it left me with SO much clarity. Being YOU is the only way to go. (And I don't think you post "too" many anything... you're expressing yourself and your story in the only way you know, and that's perfection right there, love xx)


Girlll this is PERFECT! I get so much inspiration from you--and am thankful for your willingness to share your life. :)

You are one special lady--keep on writing!


being apart of such a creative community can add such pressure to how we want us to be, but I recently read 5 tips on how to be a successful blogger, and the first one was to just write for you, and the second one was not to do what everyone expected you to do!

Whatever it is you write on these pages you have a large group of us who love every word, no matter what it may be:)




Thank you for this sweet reminder! Its so easy to lose track of what my blog is and what it means to me and what it does for me and why I started it in the first place.

It's nice to be a little selfish sometimes. :)


Love this!


amen. :) great reminder!


Excellent post. It's NOT about posting every day. It's about posting what you want to post when you want to post! Cute pictures, by the way :)


You are such a beautiful, strong, young woman! You should be so proud of yourself. I always enjoy reading your inspiring posts! :)



Where'd you get the shirt in the first picture? I like!


Your words always inspire and encourage me!