
Comfy Fall Attire + Optimism For Tomorrow

WHAT I'M WEARING :: Shirt // Maurice's :: Scarf // Target  Yoga Pants :: Victoria's Secret // Boots :: Nectar Clothing

The two days following a set of steroid injections are t.o.u.g.h. I struggle with finding something to wear because it hurts for the tiniest pressure to be on my neck. I struggle with not wanting to show off all my awesome battle wounds. I struggle with trying to cover up any and ALL swelling. Basically, it's a battle I can't win.

I stuck it out yesterday and showed off my bruises in all of their glory. I tried to wear a scarf but there was absolutely NO way I could get comfortable. Later in the day, I got sick of everyone commenting on the those tiny little bruises and threw on a scarf. Ya win some, ya lose some I guess - and I ended up LOVING this outfit!

My doctor said that I don't have to come back for a recheck for 3 whole weeks which is a mighty victory in itself. We're hoping that I'm officially DONE with these injections and can move onto a self-injection called Enbrel. I think this is going to be a much better fit for me overall and I'm thankful that I made it through another part in this journey! Autoimmune arthritis is one ugly monster that's losing the battle against moi!

The colors in this outfit still scream summer to me, but the boots are all fall! It amps up the yoga pants look and is incredibly comfy which was just what I needed. I have big plans to wear yoga pants again today... Hopefully I'll wake up feeling a lot better tomorrow since I'll be headed to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis to see a whole new panel of specialists. Some weeks... What gives, right? ;)

Linking up with The Pleated PoppyStyle ElixirBecause Shanna Said SoGet Your Pretty On, & Tucker Up!



I love bright colors in the fall and winter. You brighten every day with your sweet personality! Have a blessed day! Susan


You are so adorable and so positive! This outfit seems perfect for wanting to be comfy and pulled together. Who doesn't love a good scarf? Loved your photos in your previous post too. You looked gorgeous in your gown.



Kenzie I CANNOT tell you enough how proud you make me, even in my short time of knowing you. You are one amazing young lady and such an inspiration in your faith and attitude. Plus, you're adorable! XOXO


I LOVE that sweatshirt - looks so cute on you. And you are amazing! :)


It doesn't matter what you wear, you are always adorable!!! Love it!

And I am praying that the next round of self-injections works for you!


My dad has RA and goes this week to see if he can get the injections. I am hoping he gets them but I am worried about the side effects! You are a very inspiring lady!

Also..love this outfit lady!


That scarf is fabulous! Love that color on you


You are so, so strong. I'm so proud of you for not letting all of this get to you. I know I tell you this all the time, but you do inspire me each day. My battle may not be as difficult as yours, but you showing your strength makes me want to push through on my bad days so much more. I love you girl! I hope everything goes well at the new doctors today!


Super cute! Love your scarf paired with your sweater :)


Love the mixture of Summer & Fall!! Good luck tomorrow!!


I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. First of all, you are adorable. You can never go wrong with a great scarf! Second, you are so inspiring. I watched your testimony and was blown away by your commitment to God through everything. I can't wait to read more.


I love that you still smile through all of this <3 heart you!

Ps: we need to catch up.. .I need updated on... you know...


Good on you Kenz! I love your positive outlook. You never let it get you down and yet I get stressed over bills and other daily things where your body is constantly fighting with you. Your attitude makes me look up to you for your courage and strength.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure I have the same scarf. What do you think?

Exploring My Style